Is Steemit Cutthroat Capitalist or an unbiased social platform for all?

in #education7 years ago (edited)

I love steem ecosystem a lot because of the unending opportunities especially loads of top applications like Dtube, Dlive, Utopia,, Dmania, Dsound and Steemit et al. Moreover, steemit is a platform that provides equal opportunity for all members to making money blogging what he/she loves –without investing money? Unlike Facebook that excels on exploiting its members data´s and selling to the highest bidders.
Conversely, however, steemit is currently looking like a capitalist platform that promotes and rewards the rich (those with high steem power ) , those with whales contacts and or ability to buy votes or delegate steem power –however is it all bad? Here are some few points:

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Power to censor: Many members accuse steemit of being systematic censored by those who have the steem power to flag /down vote those they disagree with. However that is the way steemit is made to be : you can chose to down vote /flag (call it punish) those you disagree with and it is good to use such power against spammers (follow for follow, vote for vote- copy and paste spamm comments) scammers, plagiarists and low content creators. Therefore, you can call it controlled censorship against bad guys , especially those that produce less quality posts - however quality is subjective.

Inequality / Human nature: The gap between the rich and the broke is quite huge here and has always been like that in capitalist countries (Greed which is human nature is an issues -especially from those who rape the reward pool through spammy mass posts / comments - upvoting all ). However, is there any platform that does not reward its investors more? Even in platforms examples, Facebook, reddit , linkedin et al –members do not earn a cent only their investors or shareholders are the big earners. Therefore I am not sure that steemit inc can ever solve the growing gap between whales and minnows, except we community members –especially those with large steem power take action by reserving some steem power in order to upvote quality posts from minnows and other less privileged members. Importantly , to succeed here, your success lies on the point below:

Steem Power: Steem power is the secret to succeeding here because if you have enough steem power, you will not depend on bots upvotes and hoping for people to upvote your posts. Moreover, you gain more in passive income : interest payments , curation reward, author rewards and you can even delegate power and get daily return-however is it not the capitalism we are preaching against? The truthful answer is no!!! Because without those investors that take risks in buying steem and powering up, our steem will be worthless –therefore, they have right to a juicy return on investment (ROI).
Therefore, steemit might be a capitalist platform to many, however its success lies on people investing big money in steem power and getting something back in return.

Do you agree? Send in your comments . Resteem in order to reach more people and upvote to send in your support.

Click here and read my former post:Playboy To Exit Facebook: Another chance for Steemit to get more market share?

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Steemit is the best opportunity for a small person to get an empowerment so that they can help themselves and it is hard at the start but once you kept the ball rolling it will take off. We just have to share here what we love and it will all be easy.

Very good point, I agree with you. You are one of the success story...keep steeming to more success

I would add that it is empowering to people in countries that do not allow this sort of freedom, economically , literarily, or otherwise.

Steemit is indeed a fair playing ground for all if you know how to play it smart. In life, there are always losers and winners and if you want it the easy way, then invest in steem power -then you can chill and enjoy.

its been looking like Steemit is a ponzi scheme more and more everyday that it grows up. It appears to us like a child with mischievious teenage issues right now... but it sure has the characters of being a con artist soon.. I wonder how greedy we can all get on this platform... so far, in my opinion, this platform is no different than all the bullshit centralized social media platforms other than the fact that now... we have many whales fucking shit up... versus one fucking central whale figure... cant wait to see how we fuck this one up...

Very good point Ronja...however the strong and powerful should look at for the weak sometimes through upvotes...thanks for your comment

Steemit is an experiment in anarchy, but those who manage to get power by buying it or just getting in early enough can plunder it for their own gain. I am happy to help others and what I make is a nice bonus. I choose to not self vote or buy votes as I value what others think of what I do. There are no rules, so we can do what we want.

I appreciate people want a return on their investment, but giving something back to the platform helps it to grow.

Very good comment indeed, thanks a lot and more success to you.


Well i for one registered with steem in September 2017, i was able to make what i have today in my estimated steem value, it may be small but i am proud of steem and it's community. Of note is that i did not invest a penny, but i was able to send some tokens to my Ether and Bitcoin wallets. And by just being lazy, i got rewarded.
Facebook and Co on the other hand are something else, i registered with Facebook since 2008, i had use my little brain creating posts that hundreds of people liked over the years, what for? NOTHING!!!!!!!!
You said a lot of things that i am guilty of no doubt, and you also said so many things that would propel me to greater Heights in this community.
May God bless you more for quality content sir. I salute 🙋👋✋

Welcome my sure that you will like my older posts tooo. I wish you more success

You do need to invest in Steem to see any kind of return. I have personally invested but am still seeing no return. It wont happen right away, you need to be patient and it takes time. Also don't expect to get rich here, same thing - not going to happen if your new.

I would prefer the recognition of my writing. I am someone who is creating original material and maybe its crap, I don't know. That's for others to decide.

Good point, steem power, smart blogging and patience are keys to succeeding here

@tipu upvote this post for 0.02 SBD :)

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You make some valid points about steem ecosystem.

points like what buddy..pls elaborate

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Its a bot, he wont tell :(

What a post!💪🏾Oh I love your way of writing and explaining. I see it the same like you. People forget that these people with much steempower invested in it. Or had the luck to be a first mover and seeing the potential. Anyway a risk is involved and I agree that these people should get their return.

On the other hand I believe that people without much money could be successful with making friends, being social and more.

I think you are a good example or am I wrong?

Welcome my dear buddy...yes you are correct and you are a big success here...Keep steeming to more success

I think it's pretty fair, but that's just my opinion... It is perfectly possible to make it here on Steemit without any investment. If you produce great content on a regular basis, it will get noticed and upvoted eventually. Then it's up to you to choose how to spend those earnings.

You can @daan but it depends how patient you are. I'm not so patient so have decided to invest some ££ into Steem. Don't you find it disheartening when time and time again your posts are not even viewed, never mind voted up?

It's disheartening, but you can fix that without additional investment even. I've recently joined a free curation group (steem engine) and you really get a lot more interest in your posts that way. When you post in their discord, you have to upvote and comment on 2 other posts.

That said, I'm also buying more SP, it does go kinda slow otherwise.

Good call one buying more SP, its getting cheaper and may go down further still (though I wish otherwise). I think I tried SteemEngine some time ago, is it these guys who take a vote from you everyday?

I have joined their Discord channel. I'm fine upvoting other's content just as long as its worthy.

Patience is indeed the key however building contacts and SP helps even faster

I think Steemit mirrors the real world pretty accurately. You have the rich, you have the poor and you have the ones in between.

But just like in the real world, hard work pays of.

Very good point indeed, I agree

You have valid point. Someone needs to take lead at least for those who try to create good content. Steemit do provide the opportunity to mine some cents but the good service providers must have some share too.

If a good content creator is rewarded even little he may keep his creativity shared on steemit and make it a good platform for needy people. I myself used to edit Wikipedia but from the time I joined Steemit I perhaps never went on wiki again. Because if my time investment is rewarded why should I need to visit anything else.

There is a capitalist encroachment in steemit but it will remain there though I believe that the negative vote or flagging power must be reduced to half or must cost double to the whales than minnows because there are two people or precisely whales fighting with each other and nobody has guts to provide his opinion in that matter because one will always flag you. You people know what I mean.

Hahahaha I know what you mean...Bernie and Haijn however am sure that they will solve their issues one day at least find a compromise. And better avoid whale wars because it can kill you here hahaha...good comment

Muchas personas interpretan que el capitalismo es malo, pero es un sistema donde las reglas buenas y malas son iguales para todos, que algunos saben aprovechar mejor, tienen más poder económico y por esa razón se benefician más, eso es posible pero cualquiera que aprenda y domine las reglas también puede enriquecerse. Malo es un sistema comunista disfrazado de defensores del pueblo, donde ellos y sólo ellos pueden disfrutar las mieles de la vida, mientras que al resto le dejan lo amargo de la cicuta. Cómo lo que están tratando de imponernos aquí en Venezuela.

Many people interpret that capitalism is bad, but it is a system where the good and bad rules are the same for everyone, that some know how to take better advantage, they have more economic power and for that reason they benefit more, that is possible but anyone who learns and Master the rules can also be enriched. Bad is a communist system disguised as defenders of the people, where they and only they can enjoy the honeys of life, while the rest leave the bitterness of hemlock. What are they trying to impose on us here in Venezuela?

Good point

Steemit is the only social media platform which pays its users. Other social media platforms are earning a lot but doing nothing for the users. However, I think this platform is not completely free of unbiased people. Some things should be changed like self voting and discouraging openness and free thinking by flagging someone inappropriately. Developer should thing about it so that this platform may become the most popular social media platform.

Good points, thanks for your comment

Only social media for people like me ...
I tried a lot of things but I can not win. I am not strong for this and I do not have strong friends. I'm just trying to make my art more accessible to people. Even if the voting power is 0.001. I like your writing very much. you are referring to a nice point.

@tipU send 0.5 tip :)

Hi @artizm! You have received 0.5 SBD tip from @cardboard!

Thanks for your comment and more success to you

I don't think any business that wants to survive can do so without some capitalist inkling. Then there's also the human factor that comes into play where greed takes over and fuels inequality on the platform

Yes, I do agree with you...good point indeed.

Every loves has its right time, when the time comes lover will be united. Every steemians has their own time to own enough steem power according to their efforts. If not now... tomorrow or next week or next month or next year will be. Steemit owe nothing for steemians... so it is not steemit's responsibility to grow a steemian, conversely, it is steemians' obligation to grow themself with steemit. So no need to complain much. Do our best. All the best.

Very good point, more success to you.

@charles1 : saya sangat setuju dengan argumenmu ini. Ini adalah fakta yang tidak dapat disangkal. Terutama hal itu terjadi kepada kami si ikan kecil. Secara jujur, kami harus akui bahwa untuk membuat postingan berkualitas pun menemukan kendala yang sangat besar. Beberapa kali saya membuat postingan tentang hukum, saya keluarkan kemampuan untuk membuat tulisan tersebut berkualitas bahkan dengan konsultasi tentang hukum. Tapi hasilnya hanya $ 0.16. Namun terkadang hal yang dengan tanpa pemikiran yang berarti justru mendapatkan nilai $ 0.89.

@charles1: I totally agree with your argument. This is an undeniable fact. Take what happens to me the little fish. To be honest, we have to do that to make any quality posts that find a very big one. Several times I make a post about the law, I spend the ability to make quality writing even with legal arrangements. But, only $ 0.16. But there are things with no thought which means getting $ 0.89.

Satu lagi, hal yang sangat sulit kami pahami adalah postingan beberapa orang dari negara luar selain indonesia, dengan postingan yang sama justru mendapatkan hasil yang luar biasa. Apakah ada perbedaan selain kekuatan investor dalam hal ini ?? Saya tidak tahu.

One more thing, very difficult thing we understand is the posting of some people from outside countries other than Indonesia, with the same post actually get extraordinary results. Is there any difference besides investor strength in this matter ?? I do not know.

Honesty, I understand your article because using google translate, but I am very thanksfull for you with this article. It just open my eyes about the facts. Vote and if u dont mind, I resteem. Please see my post too @khaimi brother. God Bless You.

Thaks for your comment and the main reward lies on blooging smart , patience and steem power

If u dont mind,, I want to translate in indonesian with your pleasure, may I translate mr @charles1 ?

Awesome read with legitimate concern for this awesome community. I believe as this website continues to grow, the concern of unfair advantages from whales won't be as prevalent. As well im sure the developers are quite aware of this issue and are probably working on a concept to solve it.

Good point, fingers crossed.

The first one I do not like. I am not a fan of the downvote. It is censorship plus it is stealing. Many say it is not but I it is stealing from one who didnt even write a post.

If someone upvotes a post after 30 minutes, they are entitles to 25% of that vote (and possibly more depending upon who upvotes behind them). If one with large SP comes and wipes it all out, there goes that person's rewards. Taking money from another person is stealing.

The second is already resolving itself. Every couple weeks I post the stats based upon @arcange's numbers. The whales are losing power as a percentage of the while. If the present trend continues, they will be down 33% over a 1 year period. The more people who join, the greater the reward pool is diluted. This favors the minnows and red fish since they have the bigger numbers.

I agree with all you wrote about the third one. SP is crucial. It is an investment in the system.

One other thing I want to add, I see many attack the "early adopters" like they are evil. Few take the time to realize they were the ones who stood through this platform when the price dropped to 8 cents. They were the ones who took advantage of the opportunity when it arose.

I do not get the hatred and jealousy for another who simply got in earlier.

Very good point indeed, thanks for sharing your view points.

You are really an analysing machine. Good one.

I agree that people who were early ground floor investors should reap benefits according to their investments while supporting new people on the site. Surely we all agree that we want what is best for the platform which should, in turn, be best for each of us.

Good point , that is the main aim and not hating on whales that invested huge money here

It's an extensive subject, I agree that investors receive their reward, however I may have a small incentive for the little ones that we make life on this platform, mostly I think you can succeed by making good relationships but in my case, when you are Spanish speaking is much more difficult, however as I can I am patiently investing in my blog

Good point, patience is the key

I think with your post like those with steem power have a great advantage this is why whales and witnesses have a huge impact on the impact of the steemit economy good whales will make steemit better and support more great whales for a great platform for everyone! I also think steemit ecosystem Is great because of all it's new possibilities similar and more to other alt coins. This is why its interesting especially after reading @berniesanders newest post on witnesses. Sorry @charles1 if my comments arnt great as I'm on @esteem and still getting used to it as I am in France not my home computer. Therefore I haven't replied to your other comment as mine phone crashes maybe @good-karma can look at helping large posts being viewed and used on @esteem?

Good point, however , I suggest you send him the question...

They are tagged in

Its both I think. it's fair if you play with minnows. but if you wana become a whale its cutthroat.

Hahahah but cuttthroat make you rich isnt it?

This is an interesting way to explain what is going on in the steemit platform, I enjoy the capitalistic nature built into it and the emphasis on it encouraging people to study economics.

Hahahah good point indeed, thanks for your comment

Shared with my followers :-)

Thanks and hapy weekend

You got a 18.03% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of @charles1!

Want to promote your posts too? Check out the Steem Bot Tracker website for more info. If you would like to support the development of @postpromoter and the bot tracker please vote for @yabapmatt for witness!

You got a 29.67% upvote from @upmewhale courtesy of @charles1!

Earn 100% earning payout by delegating SP to @upmewhale. Visit for details!

Bot love

Is it love if you buy it? ;) Just my opinion

Lol, I was just joking with the s what we called hard love like buying sex isnt it?

I am new here. I need help to understand.

*>**How can I contact with my favorite author/blogger via steemit exept the reply option?***

**I have no Idea how to engage in best type of blogging here. Is only posting any type of content is the way to be successful?**

***How can I get more engaged in blogging with good performance? Please direct me in the right way possible!***

remove your spammy comments here avoid being flagged

your article is very effective
thats real

what do you like about the post? Bot?

This post has received a 19.44 % upvote from @boomerang.

you just nailed my pain.

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Thank you for reminding me to drop my observation.Below is the aspect that nailed my mind or thought. It was a great post you made out there.

Steem Power: Steem power is the secret to succeeding here because if you have enough steem power, you will not depend on bots upvotes and hoping for people to upvote your posts. Moreover, you gain more in passive income : interest payments , curation reward, author rewards and you can even delegate power and get daily return-however is it not the capitalism we are preaching against? The truthful answer is no!!! Because without those investors that take risks in buying steem and powering up, our steem will be worthless –therefore, they have right to a juicy return on investment (ROI).
Therefore, steemit might be a capitalist platform to many, however its success lies on people investing big money in steem power and getting something back in return.@charles1

I personally do feel the urge to always upvote whenever i read an interesting and captivating post but when I look at my upvoting strength, I give up. I appreciate those you cited who go out of their ways to upvote other people's post due to the upvoting strenght they have.
#I stand to be corrected

your main post :
#resteemed #upvoted

Good point, maybe it will turn out to be capitalist....

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Btw, nice picture hahahaha

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The way how you describe about the Steem Power, you got in the point with this post! Cheers from Venezuela!

Sorry for the bad english!

Pero es basicamente que me gusta como te tomaste tu tiempo para describir poco a poco que se trata! Gracias.

Welcome and more success to you

I like this would share with me .

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This post has received a 4.17 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @charles1.

Stop commenting bot...

I am new here.

*>**How can I contact with my favorite author/blogger via steemit exept the reply option?***

**So, no Idea how to engage in best type of blogging here. Is only posting any type of content is the way to be successful?**

***How can I get more engaged in blogging with good performance? Please direct me in the right way possible!***

what do you like about the post? bot?

I believe you are right. Whales need minnows and vice versa.

Can you elaborate?

super! looking so beautiful.

what do you like about the post? bot?

It is enjoyable using this novel platform but i do look forward to the next platform with alittle more fairness.

What is good about the post?

This was an interesting read thanks for the information more people need to be talking about these things to constantly improve the platform.

What is good about the post?

The downvote button isn't a good idea at all, as everyone knows - it goes against freedom of speech, shuts down communications and that completely goes against whole functioning society.
"Power" and "Money" have no real link to social networking.
I'm only here because the big 3 social networks were so corrupt. I studied other social networks. Tried, and realized its power system was built to enable Libertarian voices to be heard at the right time. I discovered their leadership was incompetent too. Steemit was probably 2nd on the initial list, but I didn't bother/have the time, stayed at my big 3 social network site and at one stage tried another lesser one, but found it difficult to navigate.
I'm basically here because Jimmy Dore keeps saying "We're Steeming It Now" at the end of his videos.
When a good flat social network arrives on the scene with no power and money, and keeps voices free (to be tackled with comments), I'll likely be Steeming away from here, but for now, I'm liking the Steemit presentation layout a lot more than I thought I would, and the responsiveness of it compared to FB/G+. You can see a lot more much quicker here, and that's what makes a social network thrive.

Privileges are exponential – not incremental – for those who could move up the pecking order. That's one fact of human society. Or so I'm told. (The decline – when one falls from grace – is also far from being graciously gradual but more like falling off from a cliff. Speaking of human society in general, of course).

When it comes to downvote/flag, it should be exercised with proper communication and caution – one cannot LAZILY assume every user to be well-versed, from A - Z, of all the right and wrong. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, as they say.

At the end of the day, Steemit is a platform for human persons. So, that what is true for the ecosystem of human persons may also hold true for Steemit. This is the simpliest assumption that one can make? I don't know if I'm veering off from the topic, LOL.

To answer your question (i.e. title of blog post), I will say that it's not an either-or, of the two. It's a little bit of both. :)

Steemit ecosystem, a socio-economic platform for widespread information flow across several cadres with clear purpose; investmest.
When u invest in any venture u expect returns. I'm sure nobody wants to run a bad investment. If some have invested more, they deserve returns.
I think the system is as it should be, fair.

Steemit is an unique platform, at least, as far as I've seen.

Yes, sometimes the rewards aren't fair enough but.. life isn't. Here, you can do whatever you do in others platforms and learn and maybe even teach something everyday. I think that's the best part.

Of course you can make some money, true, that makes it more attractive. But personally I won't change anything here.

Well, make more SBD in my post maybe! jajaja

Very good vision, i enjoy reading this post and its comments I learned a lot thanks guys. We work on a project to change education and professional orientation, you will maybe interested 😉 Peace

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Omg very dengeres fish

Guess you like the fish a lot...hahah