The Most Comprehensive Day Trading Course

in #education6 years ago


So you’ve decided to take the plunge into the cryptocurrency fast lane. You’re looking for those gigantic returns you’ve read so much about right! Well, you’ve come to the right place. Trading is without a doubt the quickest way to get rich with cryptocurrency.

From the outset though, let’s make something clear. Trading is incredibly risky, and you are liable to lose money if you don’t know what you’re doing. The entire point of this course is avoid making giant mistakes, that losing traders always seems to make. So you can mitigate some of the risks by directing your attention to learning the right trading principles to set you up for long-term trading success.

These aren’t just technical principles, and I won’t have you studying 500 chart patterns for 3 years before investing your first dollar, pounds or euros. There are significant mental preparations you need to make before you begin trading.

This applies to cryptocurrencies, as well as any other financial trading situation. You’ll also need to learn the principles of money management, and how to correctly use your bankroll to give you the biggest chance of long-term trading success.

It is advisable to spend a significant portion of your time in studying trading theory before you spend time trading your hard earned coins. Remember, at its very core, trading comes down to two factors, and two factors only.

1. Making money

2. Keeping what you’ve made

Trading is the ultimate rush, it’s a game played against one another via a computer screen, where it’s your mind against another person, your money against theirs.

Some days you come home a conquering hero, and other days you’ll be left beaten, demoralized and broken. Hopefully, you’ll be having more of the former than the latter after studying this, and you’ll become a consistently profitable trader going forward.

And as per usual: Only invest what you can afford to lose

See you in the next class. Till have a great day!