nouns as a Subject complement

in #education7 years ago

A noun is called a subject complement where IT is, in fact, the same person or thing as the subject of the sentence, linked to the subject by a verb Such as 'be', 'become', 'seem'. The noun complete s our information about the subject.

Note: Do not confuse the Word complement with the Word compliment. A 'complement' is a something that completes something else. A 'compliment' is a pleasing or flattering remark made about another person. since we are here concerned with completion, we need the one spelt with an 'e'

(i) The men were soldiers.
'The men' and 'the soldiers' are the SAME people. The linking verb is 'were'; 'men' is the one-Word subject; 'soldiers' is the one-word complement.
(ii) The book became a best-seller.
'The boo' and the best-seller refer to the same book. They are linked by the verb 'became'.

now my Exercise 1:
In two columns, set out (i) the subject (ii) the subject complement in each of these sentences. use S for the subject and SC for the subject complement.
(a) The chief suddenly seemed and old man.
(b) The people from that village have always been famous traders.
(c) My elder brother became a success lawyer.
(d) The science teacher finally became an inventor.
(e) Your suggestion is not a very bright idea.

Exercise 2
Copy the following sentences and (i) use V in bracket beside the verb (ii) S for the subject; (iii) SC for the subject complement.
a. James seemed a brilliant student.
b. Mr. and Mrs. Eric were a happy couple.
c. James became our star footballer.
d. His arrival was a surprise.
e. James looked Such a fool.
f. Miss Tony Lucy was a film star.
g. The passing of exam should not be the main aim of education.
h. That tree is an iroko.
i. The foreman was a tyrant.

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