University is DEAD

in #education8 years ago

When I think about my days at university I am left with regret, regret that I effectively wasted over 3 years, 3 years pursuing what i regarded would be a career only to then have the realisation that my degree held little value due to the fact that employers were seeking practical experience underpinned by work based exams.

This led to me toiling away in meaningless jobs, within an environment which was not going to be beneficial to me. Okay, so that was my mistake, we live we learn. The expense of living and learning of course is the loan that this got me stuck me. Several years on I am no longer toiling away and am in a good job but ironically university played no part in this. Rather youtube and a friend of mine were the catalyst providing me with the platform to learn Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access.

Yet the propaganda machine rolls in and it's impressed upon students that what they really need when they come out of college is university since it will give the tools they need, the level of attainment which will be required to pursue the roles they desire and to make the money they seek. Instead there are just not the number of jobs required to service all of the people flocking out of university. The degrees that are being offered are so ridiculously diverse that many are meaningless even more meaningless than my accountancy degree.

Students are being lumbered with debt and for all of those years they haven't received an education, they have received an indoctrination. The textbooks, the methods of learning all very linear, very tightly controlled, nothing that really reflects the real world. I believe that traditional education is nearing it's swansong and the ones who really pull the levers of power must know this.

Ironically education is just a mouse click away


The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.

- Albert Einstein

Ah, what a great quote and one you are blinded to at college (typically)