@charles1, I greatly agree with you. As a matter of fact, I posted something related to this topic today.
Just like you've said, we should:
Be complaisant and not complacent to the issues. If you remove pride, accept that you made a mistake which led to failure, learn from it , then you will be in the position to do better and thus succeed.
Many of us in our personal lives, as well as on steemit; we take failure too personal that will end up in fear and complacency. But relating with the story of one of the Heroic figures that ever lived in America, Abraham Lincoin, we would learn that failure is not final. He never allowed the series of failures he experienced to make him give up on his dream, rather he became more resolved and committed to achieving greatness, which he eventually did attain...1860 he was elected as president of the United States.
Thanks for sharing this inspirational post.
Very good point and welcome to steemit. See my older posts for tips on how to succeed here. I wish you success