The Pandemic Isn't The Only Reason More Parents Are Sticking With Homeschooling

in #education3 years ago

Parents around the U.S. are choosing to stick with homeschooling for their children. The forced remote learning gave some a taste that they otherwise wouldn't have been able to experience with the usual way of things before everything closed down. For some of those families homeschooling is what works best.

Now that a number of schools are going to be requiring negative COVID-19 tests or bringing back mask mandates, as well as those who aren't putting mask mandates in place, for one reason or another parents are opting out and going with homeschooling.

But it isn't just masks and the virus that might making parents think about homeschooling. It is the failure that they have experienced with public schooling, the bad results they have seen, that might fuel them to opt for a change and an alternative like homeschooling.

Looking for something that works better

It could be bad results with education that force parents to consider homeschooling, as well as bad results as far as neglect and proper attention paid to the child, maybe this child needs certain care and attention because they have a disability?

Not every child can perform at the same level, go at the same rate, and for some that means that homeschooling is preferable because it enables a plan to be created that speaks to the strengths of the individual. This is preferable rather than a model that forces the individual to keep up with something that might not inspire the best learning or results.

The number of homeschooling families continues to rise around the United States and has been increasing over the last several years, though this rise in homeschooling might cause fear for some, for others it brings opportunity and means possibly a better future for their children and their family.

Families that do homeschool mention a number of reasons for homeschooling, from medical concerns and work commitments, to concerns for material being taught, or worry over influences that might come at the school, it isn't just one answer for why people are leaving.

There is freedom in homeschooling

Some individuals need and will thrive with a homeschooling environment and with that freedom they can be afforded that opportunity to explore a better educational path.


Yeah... and with the teachers' insistence in teaching CRT, homeschooling might be a much better option. At least if one lives in the US.