What Has Been The Best Way To Be Protected From Coronavirus

in #education5 years ago (edited)

What Has Been The Best Way To Be Protected From Coronavirus.png

There are some healthcare prevention measures that the authorities worldwide have detailed to avoid been infected by this virus.

But I want to outline the common ones... because when chaos hits, information come to us filled with misinformed rumors. And most of the time, they are deliberately fabricated to increase panic.

So, here are some measures that are proven to be effective. At the end, I will give my verdict about the precaution measure I think it has been the most successful to combat this virus.

Face Masks

The use of face masks is becoming a priority when we go out. It is imperative not to take a chance to challenge this virus by venturing out without this item (let alone those who likes to pick toilet seats). Though in some regions the shortage of face masks is a problem, but if you live in a place where all essential equipments are available for people, there's no excuse at all.

Of course, we have to keep in mind that face masks are disposable, which means that we need a new face mask mostly on a daily basis. Naturally, there are people that live in poor regions where not only the shortage of this item affects, but also they cannot afford them.

So, here lies a clear issue that has its origin on the specific socio-political region. Thus, people have to improvise by using whatever they have at hand to cover mouth and nose. However, this could result in other medical problems. For instance, there are people in third world countries wearing dirty pieces of cloth as face masks, which increases the possibility not only get infected by coronavirus but by a simple flu, which can drives more complications because that subject will be much more exposed to the lethal COVID-19.

Eye Protectors

It has been determined that a big percentage of the people infected has got COVID-19 through the eyes. This is very telling because we see a lot of people wearing masks to cover mouth or nose, but what about the eyes?

We even see people unconsciously touching their eyes lids because they can't help it. And this is not a critique. It's natural. This is the first time we face something like this where the invisible enemy can get in through different entrances.

So, some people use masks that cover the whole head, keeping that area restricted and unreachable from the virus. Naturally, not all can afford this type of mask. But we can use glasses like those eyes protectors (see image below)




Some people who go out to get some supplies wear gloves, which is a great way to avoid the virus... because we don't know how many people have touched an item in a supermarket.

Sometimes we touched things over and over without knowing, especially if we are buying fruits and vegetables. And though we are aware of the precaution methods, we can't help it since it's not embedded in our mind (Like I said above, we face an invisible enemy).

Stay at home

This measure must be explained better than it has been so far. When authorities or someone says stay at home, it's perceived like a totalitarian lockdown. And please don't get me wrong, but by the way it is said, and by the people who say it, it's somehow out of touch.

And I'm bringing this up because we've seen politicians and some "celebrities" said stay at home, don't go outside, and so on. But they tend to forget that most people have to go outside every other day to get the basic things they need... because let's remember that most people don't have the resources to buy food for three months at once.

They live from paycheck to paycheck (Well, now most of them have just lost it). So they didn't have the luxury to buy essential stuff for a long period before lockdown.

Hence, when we see this straight command to stay at home, it feels totally tone-deaf and out of touch just like it felt listening to those celebrities singing "imagine" on twitter. Yes, that DID cringe the entire world!

I think, in my honest opinion, we should only go out to buy the essential things that we need while refrain ourselves for a little time (it won't hurt) to do those activities that we enjoy outdoors. Consequently, this is how the message must be conveyed by the authorities and these so called "public figures." Perhaps this way we can slow down those episodes when we see police officers arresting people parting who don't comply with the quarantine.

Wash our hands

Well, we are supposed to do this regularly after we come from outside. Let us remember how our parents frequently told us to wash our hands before eating.

This has been something that we have been overlooking and ultimately forgetting. But perhaps this situation makes us all recover that important hygiene habit.

Keeping Social Distance

It is essential not to be so close to one another. There are people that took all the precaution measures described above, but they fail in the most important thing of all. And that is to keep ourselves away from a decent distance... because our bodies are the hosts that allow the virus to continue existing. That's how it spreads.

When the virus comes out of one body, it can't live outside. It just dies in some minutes. So it needs another host (person) to carry on.


Now, the obvious verdict would be all the measures above. But if I have to choose one, I think the safest way to be protected is by keeping social distance.

It has been proven that social distance has slowed down the spread significantly. You can check it out here

Experts stress on keeping social distance at all cost because as I've already explained the virus don't live outside of the body. So if we keep distance from each other, we give the virus no chance to reach another host.

Well, these have been some of the prevention measures I think it helps combat and kill this virus once and for all. Please comment and share other ways that can be helpful too.



Good recap of the safety measures! Hope you and your family stay safe!

You keep safe too @thekittygirl. With everyone's coloboration we will get through this, and all the countries can reopen and things get back to normal.