I checked your intro post, you are a quite an interesting and resourceful individual!
If you like sharing the spark you have in you with others, especially the kids that do not have the chance to approach knowledge easily like we do, consider joining the adventure of The Open School!
Thank you! I didn't offer to teach because as you might have read in my intro post I have no formal qualification of a science degree. The only subject I am professionally qualified to teach at the moment is languages/linguistics. I will contact you on steemit chat for further information.
Thank you @elemenya for the kind donation! Your support is very much appreciated :-).
The OpenSchool account will keep a record of all direct donations and communicate when / which purchases are carried out.
Thank you @Elemenya.
I checked your intro post, you are a quite an interesting and resourceful individual!
If you like sharing the spark you have in you with others, especially the kids that do not have the chance to approach knowledge easily like we do, consider joining the adventure of The Open School!
Be well, and stay inspired!
Thank you! I didn't offer to teach because as you might have read in my intro post I have no formal qualification of a science degree. The only subject I am professionally qualified to teach at the moment is languages/linguistics. I will contact you on steemit chat for further information.
Just in case you haven't been on your Steemchat, I left you a message there a few days ago.
Be wellHi @elemenya,
Hi Elemenya, just to let you know I posted the OpenSchool white paper: It should allow you to get a clearer idea of the initiative until we find a common moment for a Skype :-)