There are families whose members consider home to be the most interesting and satisfying place there can be. But many people live for many years with families that present a threat, a burden or a boredom. In our urban society, the institutions we live with have been designed to be practical, effective, economical and profitable, but they rarely protect and serve the human aspect of human beings. Almost all of us have felt poverty, discrimination, pressure or other negative consequences of our social and inhumane institutions. Families only accept it because they do not know another form of coexistence.
Each family is a different world, all families have their own problems, and we could say that there is no perfect family. Parents as heads of family are those who should seek peaceful coexistence based on respect. Families are columns of a healthy society. When the opposite happens, harmony is lost, and that is where the problems begin, and chaos invades everything.
In them, the most essential is coexistence, without it arise many of the problems in which today we are affected, such as violence, drug addiction, crime, etc., This happens because in their homes there was never time to talk, to instill values, give security and sense of belonging to each member of the family, that at the family level, parents and children, but also at the level of a couple, if there is no coexistence, dialogue or communication, soon there will be a distancing and therefore a divorce or adultery.
Family coexistence is not just to spend time together and talk about things without importance or transcendence, on the contrary, it is where all of us as family members tell others that such was our day at school, it can also be told, how did it go? the job? or all the things that happened in the house and even something more personal like what are our fears or desires? that is sharing, taking time to internalize one with the other.
It is very important that all the members of the family can go to the others in search of support and affection. The love, the affection and the affection are the most important bonds to favor the union in the family. It manifests itself in various ways: showing the interest we feel in the affairs of others, enjoying their company, interested in what they think and feel, promoting security and protection, all these manifestations are only possible through communication. Good communication between family members is not only enjoyable, but also facilitates harmony among all.
Family communication can be understood as the willingness to share one's feelings, emotions and interests, and to show sensitivity to the needs, tastes and concerns of family members. Without good communication, there can not be a harmonious coexistence. There are different forms of family communication, they are presented according to the age and the different circumstances of each one. The demonstration of affection is fundamental for anyone, especially if those people are part of the family. Do not deprive yourself of showing them how much you love them and how important they are to you. Try to recognize them when they do something right and congratulate them for their achievements. Positive encouragement is essential to grow up in a happy home.
As we all know, the family plays a very important role in the formation of values; mainly, the parents, since in them falls the responsibility of inculcating the possible values to their children. This is the reflection of themselves, therefore, parents should set a good example, value-wise, and this should be voluntary, however we should try as much as possible, as a family to inculcate values for them to acquire and put into practice day by day, and so get better and make life a little easier. As such, they have acquired values, but if the parents do not give an adequate example, or do not show that they put into practice every day the values they want the children to acquire, they will not be interested in taking them very seriously. who do not have the example of parents. Sometimes if the parents do not have the values, the other members can take them from someone else, another family member mainly.
For this reason, it is of vital importance that parents share quality time with their children, and in them, take advantage to teach them and instill in them the true meaning of the family and its values.

the factors that favor harmonious coexistence are in relation to the practice of values in everyday life, as well as the relationship to the ability of all its members to face positively moments or periods of crisis or the presence of problems that affect any family, beyond the practice of values, it is very important as fundamentally the communication to know if there are any type of inconveniences within the family circle.

- the conjugal union inautentica, not supported by love.
- forced marriage with false expectations.
- egoism of one of its members.
- practice of antisocial behaviors.
- nequality among its members.
Apart from these factors what leads to a bad coexistence is not having patience with each other leading to fights and discomforts within the home causing sadness in beings belonging to this family group
the 5 most important rules of coexistence

Develop good communication
there is no better way to resolve and prevent conflicts than by talking. Perhaps it has happened to you that the anger or annoyance of a relative took you by surprise, and you did not know exactly what was behind all this. To avoid these situations, it is always advisable to close the rough edges promoting and accepting sincerity and honesty
Respect the other's times
Plan and organize based on communication a way of living together, for example, schedules of each family member to collaborate on household chores. Schedules in which activities should be shared, schedules in which a member is performing an activity that requires silence or requires a specific place in the house.
This is one of the most basic norms of family coexistence, but that is no less important. The very concept of coexistence implies the need to respect the other.
- Tolerate and respect the tastes of each member
While it is recommended that you have agreed on a series of rules and guidelines for coexistence, it is good that you also respect the tastes of each one in your own space, for example, the bedrooms.
To achieve a good family life, it is essential that, just as you expect them to respect your individuality, you also respect that of others.
- Sharing spaces in an orderly manner
In the case of shared dormitories, those who inhabit them would have to agree on guidelines and norms of coexistence. They are very intimate spaces and, for this reason, they are often the source of many conflicts.
In the case of many family members and few bathrooms it is good to establish schedules and time of permanence, to avoid problems.
- Enjoy family leisure time
It is not enough to tolerate and respect the other, to get a good family life you must also know your siblings, parents, children or partner. This implies sharing leisure time, doing activities that encourage joy and collective enjoyment.
In this article I wanted to make incapie in the family coexistence since it is very nice to really share every day of your life with the most beloved people around you, although it will not always be pleasant as in some moments they will pass discussions, fights, bad times but None of this will be forever and nothing hurts when we sit down to talk like civilized people to fix the problem.
information sources:
Thanks steemians, see you soon

I am very happy when reading something that concerns the family, because living in this world all there is family, we cannot succeed without family
together, greetings