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RE: ADSactly Education - On Capitalism

in #education7 years ago

I lived part of my life in socialism. Even now, socialism flourishes here. In the socialist society, we have always been taught that capitalism is evil. Constant propaganda is the main goal of which is to show that external forces are to blame for all the troubles. Western powers are always under the external forces-the capitalists. It worked before, but at the perfect time, thanks to the Internet, people "open their eyes." That is, people have become more sensible and have learned to see the truth. People see the difference between the standard of living.

Capitalism opens up opportunities for single-minded people. Capitalism allows the development of private property. Capitalism has good motivation - the more you work, the more you get. This creates competition and competition creates an accelerated growth of progress. Where there is no competition there is a monopoly, and monopoly is a regress. But there are disadvantages to capitalism. In particular, this is the division between the poor and the rich. In addition, the likelihood of crises and market volatility. That is, there is always a risk.
But there is no zero risk factor at all.

Therefore, capitalism can be perceived differently by different people. Someone thinks it's bad, but somebody's good. How many people there are - so many opinions. Personally, I see both advantages and disadvantages. Capitalism survives the strongest.
Thank you


Perception is everything in this sort of debate, and per normal, there isn't exactly a 'right or wrong' answer just degrees of separation.

Thanks for a very well thought comment.