I believe engagement with your followers and on posts you enjoyed reading or learned from is important, maybe even critical in a social environment, otherwise it's not social or rewarding at a deeper level at all, it's just a milk cow, at best.
You included this recommendation for those who address you:
I am not your boss, Sir and certainly not Dear. I sign my posts Taraz so that or the @tarazkp tag is fine. Perhaps this is cultural and an acceptable way to greet people in some places but, it is not a great one for an international community.
I am also an adept of the familiar model, mostly coming from the Anglo-Saxon cultures, but... different cultures, different habits, and sometimes they are very well hardwired.
In some cultures, it's very rude to call a person by his or her first name, unless you are close, thus "sir" is used by many. Just like French won't say "tu" if they just met you, they'll say "vous", otherwise it's considered impolite.
About "dear" I agree, it shouldn't be used to address someone they hardly know. And even if you are close, "my dear friend" is acceptable, while "dear" is not, unless they want to move in with you.