Does online teaching and learning enhance proficiency or not?

in #education7 years ago


1. Online education demands more time than in campus classes.

Believe it or not, you will spend more time in studying and completing assignments in the online environment than you will in an on-campus course. How can it be? Actually the online environment is text-based. You must type messages, post responses and otherwise communicate using your fingers (i.e. through typing) to interact with your instructor and other students, . As you can probably guess, typing is slower than speaking. Try reading each word as you type it and compare the difference if you had expressed the same thing. In the same sense, reading your lecture materials can take more time than listening to an instructor deliver them, although spoken lectures have a distinct disadvantage. If you are sitting in a classroom, it's likely that you'll miss a good percentage of what the instructor says, no matter how focused you are. It's human nature to zone out for brief periods of time. When you are reading, you will tend to go back over the notes if you miss something and that takes more time. The point is that you will likely learn more in an online environment, but you will have to make a more considerable effort to accomplish that learning.

Φ- 2. Online courses make it easier to procrastinate.

Just as there is a dark side to that controversial property known as the Force, there is a dark side to Internet-based courses. The dark side starts with procrastination. Procrastination is to a student what Darth Maul is to Qui Gon. Procrastination will chop you to bits in an online course. There is no one to tell you to get to class on time. There is no one reminding you that assignments are due or that exams are coming. There is no one to preach to you, beg with you, plead with you to stay on top of your coursework. It is easy to put off reading and assignments in the online environment. Before you know it, weeks have gone by, you haven't done any homework, and it's exam time. Scary bad. Creepy anxious. Too real.

Φ- 3. Online courses require excellent time-management skills.

An Internet-based course demands that you develop personal time-management skills. As with most things, if you don't manage your time correctly, you will find yourself buried beneath a seemingly insurmountable mountain of coursework. Online courses require the self-discipline to set aside chunks of time to complete your studies. It means you have to make online studying a priority and not let other activities interfere. Sometimes, it means making difficult choices.

Φ- 4. Online courses may create a sense of isolation. 

In an online course, no one can hear you scream. And that causes discomfort for some online students. Studying alone with only the computer as your companion can be terrifying. There's no whispering in the back of the room, no wise remarks from the peanut gallery, no commanding presence at the front of the classroom pleading for everyone to listen. The online environment is a much different atmosphere that takes some getting used to. Hopefully, your online instructor is sensitive to this problem and can help you overcome those feelings. In any case, you should be aware of them and seek help if they start to impede your studies. A quick e-mail to a classmate, your instructor or a counselor can help you feel better connected if the sense of community you seek is missing.

Φ- 5. Online courses allow you to be more independent.

In my opinion, it's a much better situation for the student. By the time a student enters a community college, they want to be independent. They don't want someone telling them what to do all the time. They want is their freedom. 

Φ- 6. Online courses require you to be an active learner.

It's a sink or swim proposition, and you can't have it both ways. If you desire to become a responsible, self-sufficient, independently minded citizen of this planet, then now's the time to start. Life is not a dress rehearsal. Get busy with it.

Φ- 7. Online courses don't have an instructor hounding you to stay on task.

I also think it's an advantage for the instructor. I don't have to become the all-powerful Oz and threaten you with dire consequences if you don't do your work. I don't have to control you, manipulate you, scold you, act like a parent or babysitter to you. I can treat you like an adult with the respect that you deserve.

Φ- 8. Online courses give you more freedom, perhaps, more than you can handle!

This freedom can be dangerous if you don't learn how to handle it.

Φ- 9. Online courses require that you find your path to learning.

Personally, I think it is far better to let students find their way. Instructors can be beacons, lighthouses of knowledge, but we can't steer the ship. Hopefully, everyone makes it safely to harbor. Occasionally, someone shipwrecks. But in all cases, everyone learns, and I think that is important.

Φ- 10. Online courses require you to be responsible for your learning.

Only you are responsible for your learning. I can't force it on you. I can't make you study. I can share a little knowledge and experience, show you a few tools and hope you get it. The spark and wish to fulfill your dreams must be yours.

So, in a philosophical sort of way, the real disadvantage to an Internet-based education is that you might not own up to it. You might not take responsibility for your studies and your goals. You might get way behind and never catch up.

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Wow! I am a student and this post will help me .
Online classes is so Good because when you want you can study

Yes sure and by studying online, you choose your own learning environment that works best for your needs:

You are absolutely right brother. Online learning need more time management skills but these days it is very popular. Thanks brother for your excellent sharing @hamzayousaf.

You have to be very discipline to get your achievement, and you can not cheat.

Sorry I didnot get what you want to say?
Explain again plz @jorgedr0id

I say you cannot cheat because the only person that can know if you really learned is yourself you cannot fool yourself

Everything we ever hope to do or accomplish in our lifetime will take some amount of time. This is something that's especially relevant to those hoping to study online.
thank you for feed back @irfanullah

You are right but online courses will take place of diffrent education departments . I think it is very good advantage for us because no one teacher would punish us. Hahaha

Yes it can also make us more productive at work.
I am also laughing at this ... hahah "no one teacher would punish us" really you are right @nomannomi

Interesting article @hamzayousaf. I dont' know much about online learning, but I have plenty of experience with self learning. In my opinion, you learn much better with self learning, than when someone teaches you, either online or in class. Because when you self learn something, you do it with interest and passion.

Agreed @hmushtaq if we are committed to learning and we're eager to obtain more knowledge and new skills then online learning process is modestly better.

@hamzayousaf I can see you really took quality time to analyze this article, well I think online studying is actually time taking as you need much time to go through the scheme for each semester , and also online studying enhance making more research individually since you are the only student in your classroom ( you and your computer at home) and humans do things better when they are not compel to. Thanks for sharing.

Yes you are right @samtexprints other course-related activities such as reading and doing research promotes a student's success as an online learner. And once we refine our study skills, online learning can be made a lot more effective.

Very true. Thanks so very much for your support

Absolutely right. I am saying after gaining personal experience from VU classes. Although video lecture was available on net but online assignments consume a lot of time so ultimately student suffers.

Yeah in some case it is time taking. students have to write various assignments, in fact, they often need to work on several assignments at the same time. In this case, the whole. This stage is the most time-consuming one because you may need to spend a lot of time. Which course you have started from Virtual uni? @kamchore

good content,,A little Learning is a dangerous thing,,,We all are know that,,If you have interest on this,,you will be success to take it fully,,By pressing,it will not achieve ,,,World is a planet where knowledge is fully loaded,,Thank you ..

This is because the quality of education is the same; the difference is just in the delivery.Thanks @nishuxr

Excellent article on online learning... In my opinion I think online learning is good for nerds and introverts. People who like to be in solitude rather than in a large group or classroom setting. Such people lose their energy when in large groups but are more productive when alone. They always achieve alot with online learning, on the other hand extroverts or people who draw their energy from large crowds will not do well with online learning.

Right said @practicaleric You can study wearing anything you want (or nothing if you prefer!) Online courses give you the flexibility to spend time with work, family, friends, significant others or any other activity you like.

It's is not possible to learn everything in schools and colleges. Online courses are better for this.

The best thing about online training is that you have time flexible.

Yeah Online learning gives students an opportunity to advance their education and career on their terms.

In fact, I have learned much more from online training and courses that have boast my professional life.

of course online course is so effective,,
its help us to learn in home,,we can solve all 0f our problem in our home
really great usefull

Yes and it gives you the flexibility to spend time with work, family, friends, significant others or any other activity you like.

people in learning can get advantage of online courses. So far, e-learning has been effective to the people that understood its value. It offers the chance to have great results for lower costs ,,,

People often think that online students are not smart enough for a traditional college or university, they are lazy, and they don't get real degrees. These claims discourage many people from taking online courses who are unable to join the institutes directly.

by dint of online learning ,a very useful technique since you can do almost everything from the commodity of your home.
really it do enhance proficiency ,,,

This technique involves explaining and recording how one solves or understands problems as they work and giving reasons for choices that are made.
thank you for feed back @rahmanmdriad

wow..interesting article,my dear friend @hamzayousaf,very good writing,i'm new your to blog,thank you for sharing with us,

Thank you @ema-bagum best wishes

Learning in the campus classes or online education has a different distinction, has a level of easiness of each.we must continue to learn.
Success always @hamzayousaf

And we have to become well-rounded and competitive while increase our rate of success


Do comment after reading this article then your comment would be good upvoted.
Thanks @rimon24

I learned something online. If there is something worthwhile then there is no problem online. I think there is a better way to learn something online.

The e-learning and the standard system of learning share some common basics! But either of the two may suit one's personality over another.

For someone like me that loves being indoors and coming to classes late (with a promise of improving next semester), I find the online learning more conducive.

This can be justified in my project work with my supervisor as I enjoyed it a lot because it was an online communication and medium that eases the bulk of the project work.