Interesting piece, @tarazkp!
As for finding a niche and holding on to it....while I think you are right in a sense, because there truly are a lot of people out there who are overwhelmed by fear, I think others just don't feel they belong to a particular niche.
I mean I can't settle on one particular thing to write about because I'd get bored, not because I'm afraid it's not the right one. If it's not, there'll always be another pen and another post, so...:D
Just my opinion, though.
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My niche at the moment is writing itself, not the topic I write about. From this position, I can explore all kinds of things and get feedback and advice from a very wide group of people with diverse experiences. I am not holding onto it though, it is just my position now, tomorrow I may find myself somewhere else :)
I agree, I find myself in the same position. :)
But indeed, who knows what tomorrow holds.