
Guten Tag,
Da mir aus verschiedensten Gründen ein Medizinstudium leider verwehrt blieb, entschloß ich mich dazu, mir zumindest einige Grundlagen selbst zu erarbeiten.
Über Kommentare, Tipps, Anregungen, Korrekturen und Verbesserungsvorschläge freue ich mich natürlich genau so sehr wie über Upvotes, Followers und Resteems ;)
Hellow fellow Steemers !
As I had no chance to get a professional training in science of medicine because of different reasons I decided to beginn struggling that path through science junngle on my own.
As my mothertongue is german, I will do that series in german ;-)
Join and comment if you like...
Basiskurs Bewegungsapparat
#2 Das Skelett: 4. Obere Extremität Wiederholung und Zusammenfassung
Ziele: Kennen und Benennen der knöchernen Strukturen des menschlichen Körpers auf Deutsch und Lateinisch, Erklärung deren Funktion
Humerus, Schultergelenk, Ellbogengelenk, Kugelgelenk, Cavitas glenodalis, Caput humeri, Rotatorenmanschette, Anteversion, Retroversion, Abduktion, Adduktion, Innenrotation, Außenrotation, Caput Humeri, Corpus humeri, Collum AnatomicumTuberkulum majus und minus, Condylus humeri medialis/lateralis, Epicondylus lateralis/medialis, Fossa olecrani, Fossa radialis, Trochlea humeri, Capitulum humeri, Ulna, Radius, Ellbogengelenk, proximales Radioulnargelenk, distales Radioulnargelenk, proximales Handgelenk, distales Handgelenk, Ossa carpalia, Ossa metacarpalia, Phalangen, Carpus), Ossa carpalia
palmar von radial nach ulnar: "ein Kahn fuhr im Mondenschein, im Dreieck um das Erbsenbein, Vieleck groß, Vieleck klein, am Kopf da muß der Haken sein":
Kahnbein (Os scaphoideum), Mondbein (Os lunatum), Dreiecksbein (Os triquetrum), Erbsenbein (Os pisiforme), Vieleckbein groß (Os trapezium), Vieleckbein klein (Os trapezoideum), Kopfbein (Os capitatum) Hakenbein (Os hamatum)
Metacarpus, Ossa Metacarpalia, Phalangen I-V, Carpometacarpal Gelenk,Metacarpophalangeal Gelenk, Phalanx proximalis, Phalanx medialis, Phalanx distalis, PIP, DIP, Interphalangealgelenk
The unfortunate thing here for me is that I don't understand German. This is a language I've been craving to learn. I'll learn it as soon as possible in order to follow you up. Guten Tag
klasse zum nachschlagen!
Jo, Danke - so wars gedacht ;-)
so 'n bisserl 'n Plan über den Körper schadet nichs, nee ?
I was a massage therapist for 7 years. Good bit of review for me. Why are you studying anatomy?
I also began a training as physical therapist but circumstances would not let it be... long story... but I am still interested in that topic for me suffer from some serious chronic diseases and if one is not engaged in one's health and God blesses you with health no doctor can help you seriously I guess...
Unfortunately medical research, teaching and practice is very dependent on the whole economic system and it is not easy to receive the cure and care one needs...
but this also would be a very long story ;-)
I guess some fundamental knowledge in anatomy is also important when it comes to things like TCM and so on...
but if we want to dig deeper in this topic I would invite you to join me e.g. on discord...