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RE: A lesson missed? Rethinking education.

in #education8 years ago

personally, i love learning. love it. 12 years of mind control camps is what passes for school now. they didnt teach much other than to obey. that way we are good slaves.

being less negative about it, there are a whole bunch of different topics that i didnt do very well in- like math, or science. im much better at both these things now that i have learned about them... for some reason they couldnt teach me algebra or long division or multiplication or chemistry or biology. i thought i was "bad" at math and science.

i just wasnt engaged and they werent able to explain it any way other than the way they learned. so is that my fault or the teachers or the system?

probably the system

do teachers become teachers because they love it?
do doctors become doctors to help people?

the entire system is broken lol


Yes, I had a very similar experience with school and I still struggle to learn school style if that is all that is on offer. I do most of my learning autonomously though, it is much faster and the tests are easier, until life happens. :)