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As you may all know, this week marks the beginning of college and most students are headed out for school. College can be very easy or hard depending on how you start. Waiting and telling yourself, "Oh I've more time" and that you'll catch up, can be the difference between passing or failing. I'm a student too in college and have had some very successful semesters learning a lot along the way.
College is like being in a professional sports team, be it soccer, American football, Basketball etc. Each training session is synonymous with each class you go to. Each test is like each game each week. Mid-semesters and Spring breaks are like transfer windows. And finally finals are like the finals of each tournament. Your grades becomes your trophy for your hardwork.
Below are some tips to keep you flying throughout the semester to the finish line.
1. Get all your books as soon as possible.
If possible, get your books even before the semester starts. Most schools have a link next to your schedule that directs you to a bookstore. Buy them as soon as you can and start learning them even if you don't understand what it is yet. It will give you a psychological edge ahead of class at least. If you don't have the link, email your Professor ahead of time and ask him/her what the book is. It will signal to the Professor your seriousness and perhaps give you another edge with regards to how the Professor views you. You know, it could be the difference between you getting a B or an A.
2. Go to every class no matter how boring it is.
Even if you're super smart and think you can miss every single class and still nail an A, go to every class no matter how boring to death it is. Classes are training sessions. Class serves as notice rooms. Your teacher can give you valuable tips that can be the difference between passing or failing the class. There was one time one of my teachers mentioned that our homework questions are going to be the questions on our first test. A lot of people missed the class and didn't have an idea. I studied the homework questions and passed the test. Others probably learned something else and probably didn't do well. Apart from all this, it gives the teacher and indication of how serious you are. You always need that.
3. Go to office hours at least once.
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Just do it. Chances are you always see the office hours on the syllabus on the first day of class but never step foot in there. You see, at the very least you always want the teacher to have a good impression of you. Going to office hours shows the Professor you're trying. He/She may even give you a bump when you have, say a B, to an A. Go at least once, even if it's to say hello, but really go there once and ask a question even if you know it already. You never know, you may even like it. It will cement what you already know and keep you updated going forward.
4. Don't wait to do assignments.
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Just don't. You know how assignments can pile up if you wait. It's true you have a lot of time when the semester starts, and that's true and good. But it's running out. Each time lost is time you'll never ever get back again. Stop telling yourself you have time. Even if you think you have a lot, run like you're out of it. You'll be surprised how assignments, stuff to learn etc piles up. Don't wait. Kill off assignments as they come. Make it a game with your friends or yourself if you have none like me lol and try to always beat the record of when you're going to finish each assignment quicker. It's fun
5. Stay consistent
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You're in the middle of the semester and are at the top of your game. You're nailing quizzes and tests, ahead of the class and lectures, everything's going on very well for you. You feel great. So you want to take a breather and chill a bit. You'll be surprised. Don't!
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Keep up! What's the point of having a good start and losing at the end. The thing is, assignments, lectures, quizzes etc, don't take a break like you want to. They keep coming like crazy. You have to keep up. When you're at this point and in the middle of the race, you have to imagine yourself in the middle of a race with a lot of people after you. Any decrease in momentum and you're gone. College appears very slow, nice and easy but very fast paced behind the scenes and you'll be surprised how school work can take you by surprise. Keep up the momentum. Never stop.
6. Practice as many questions as possible to get ready for finals
If you want to go into finals feeling like the world's confident man, practice, practice and keep practicing. Practice questions in textbooks, assignments, from your friends. Create questions for yourself and practice it. Go to you Professor and ask for questions to practice. Practice to the point where you're completely confident of any question in that subject. You'll be surprised how easy finals are because all your hard work will payoff.
7. Re-assess
Once all is said and done, reassess how the semester went, what you did wrong, what you did right. How you can improve it and become better at it. Note down everything you learned and learn from it. Tell yourself you want to be one step ahead the next semester and work on ways to have your success 2.0. Always improve the following semester.
8. Don't stop there.
Education doesn't stop when the semester is over. Go over what you did even if you're done. Stay educated and refreshed. Teach your younger siblings, friends, kids, people going to college etc. It will help you stay sharp and fresh for more. You see, college is not made for certain people only. In the broader picture, education is not for certain individuals only. It's for everyone. The difference is in how you plan and go about it. You can be the smartest person on earth. If you slack, you won't make it. You may not know much about the subject or about a lot in general, but your dedication to wanting to try your best will pass you and give you successful results.
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Keep going in college and in life in general even if you're behind. Do everything you can to catch up and always be ahead of the game and never give up. Keep going everyone. All the best in your quest for education and in life.
Take care everyone and Happy Steeming :)
Lots of good advice here! I like the idea of teaching what you have learned to others. It helps them, and it helps you too!
Absolutely! You learn things you probably didn't even know from that experience while contributing greatly in others progress as well. Thanks for the contribution :)