Some who are struggling to this problem is unaware that they are under the addiction. They are subconsciously unconscious, of what they are doing. That is why; it is hard to a person to decide when and how to make a change. .
Abusing illegal drugs or any prescribed one may cause or damage the brain, some might get high, hallucinate and physically active. Drugs may stimulant or depressant. These are Marijuana, Hallucinogens and Cocaine, the commonly used drugs. An individual, who undergone drug addiction thinks that it helps them to become physically and mentally active. It takes place to overcome their drive also. But the question is, how to deal drugs addiction? As we all know that this kind of addiction is rampant and a lot of individual is dealing with this.
How to deal this kind of addiction? First, you must know the effects if you deal this kind of addiction. If you educate yourself that this has a bad effect; mentally and physically then stay away from it. Always think of yourself. Some reasons why individual indulge to this because of peer pressure if that’s the case the step back or stay away from that kind of friends. Do not let others provoke you of doing things that will drag you down and lead you to addiction. Avoid if necessary. When an individual is under the addiction, how to cope up? Get involved to some physical activities that will distract you from this addiction, hit the gym, workout, play some outdoors activities, or go to a center that helps people how to handle and care people who are under addiction. Join clubs that promotes youth involvement to self preservation. You can also challenge yourself that what will happen to you if you stay being addicted to some stuff and what will your future lies? But if the addiction is severe see a psychiatrist, or go rehabilitation. The craving of this addiction might be uncontrollable but treatable, so think first before indulging to this drug addiction. ![E.jpg]()