These are all good ideas. A tutorial site would be great. Some of my best-earning posts have been when I write about how I've been able to make the platform work for me. The thing is that while this type of content would be considered evergreen content the rewards are not. One would have to continually post tutorials to keep earning so authors would be incentivized to post create tutorials off of Steemit on a site they could keep earning from.
as content creators we should acknowledge that the other social media platforms have a much larger reach and that we should use this to get people to join.
As much as I love DTube, it doesn't bring new people to the platform like YouTube does, it doesn't even allow embedding videos nor does it rank for keywords on search engines. It is very Steem-centric like you said.
Posting articles that are not all about Steemit is what we need to do to get new users here.
As far as the drop in users and Alexa rankings, I do think the price has a lot to do with it. You my know I host Open Mic. Back in November as the price spiked so did the entries (up to 770 a week) and as the price falls so do entries. The number of entries almost in direct relation to the price of Steem. @prc who created DSound recently said he saw the exact same correlation of submissions to DSounds as I did on Open Mic.
There are many people here only for the rewards. It's just a fact or appears that way. Then there are those of us who keep posting regardless of the price of Steem but we seem to be the minority.
We have also noticed this in our community in workshop participations. I think it's fine as it leaves out the people with whom we can work to create a better Steem ecosystem.
I have always liked your idea of open mic, in fact open mic has inspired one of our promotional side projects!