Here i'll give you some example of vacabulary of english to bahasa. Before i sow you guys the vocabulary i want to tell you that my english might be bad cause i still learn about english . Now i'll show you some example of vocabulary.
English to Bahasa
i, my = saya
You = kamu, kalian
We = kita
Like = seperti, suka
Include = termasuk
Mean = arti,makna, maksud
tell = katakan, beritahu,
Teach = Ajar
Read = baca
Write = tulis
Speak = bicara
Talk = berbicara
Know = tahu
chair = kursi
Table = meja
Pencil = pensil
Pen = pena
Show = tunjuk,pertunjukan
Smile = senyum
Mad = marah
Happy = senang
Corious = penasaran
Sad = sedih
Make = buat, membuat
Drink = minum, minuman
Shake hands = berjabat tangan
Ok that's all for today. If you wanna ask me something about bahasa, you can ask on coment box. Thanks for read my post .