Many people say that magic doesn't exist. I think really that it depends on how you define magic.
I define magic as a process or actions we perform without knowing why and or how they work.
Take turning on the lights in your home or office. Most people only know that turning on the light switch turns on the light, but haven't got a clue how it works. Here is a funny even for the electrician or the scientist there is magic. Ask the electrician or the scientist where the electricity comes from and you will here the very wise words
Too me that not knowing makes people magicians. lol

This is why we meaning humanity needs to relearn how we can know things for a certainty. Yeah I know many people are not interested in philosophy and feel bored when required to participate. However that boredom is really the Magicians creed. It comes from a lack of knowledge as to just what having great thinking skills does for a person's sweat equity value.
If the baker who wanted to have their own baking shop knew about the business world and how to run a business well the chances that the business venture will have a long term success go up exponentially. Would the baker go to school to learn how to operate a business? Most likely not. Why? I think it is because there is entirely to much magic in the world and not enough education or knowing not only how, but why things work.
I think that this is the next major evolving that humankind must accomplish not just for survival. We human being are continually trying to reach for the objective idea and bring it into or subjective world. The fact that the ideal world is like a moving target. When we have a measure of success bringing the objective (Ideal world) into the subjective (real world) than the objective world moves up and we have more to strive for. More to create a bridge between what is ideal and what actually exist. To me life is not about dying and going to heaven. It is about bringing heaven to earth.
A Wise man Once said... "the Kingdom of Heaven is Here NOW; but men do NOT see it .. "
Yeah and I think it is because the difference between what is ideal and what is real is not defined. We must define what is real to be able to see what is idea and achieve it. Just like in order to attain the ideal I, I must first find out who I am.