Stop Wasting Time And Start Writing Essay

in #education6 years ago

If you want to get a good grade and make yourself and your parents proud, then you have to do well on your written assignments. There’s no way around it because essays usually account for a significant portion of your overall grade. Botch one or two and your grade can easily drop from an A to B.
This is why so many students are hiring the services of freelance and writers and writing agencies. Plenty of legit services like BuyEssayClub review write various high school and college assignments, whether they’re persuasive pieces on global warming or literature reviews on microbiology topics. By getting some help, students don’t always have to struggle so hard in order to maintain their grade point averages.
The biggest problem when it comes to essay writing is the amount of time it takes due to distractions. Not only does this impact your ability to do more important things like studying for exams but it also takes a toll on your mental health. That’s why we’re going to give you some excellent tips for limiting distractions and improving your focus:

Take Yourself Off Of The Grid

With all the different devices and platforms that exist today, it’s so easy to get distracted when you’re writing an essay. Social media itself is such a huge distraction. The high pitch bell sound that sounds off whenever we receive a notification or message is enough to trigger our social media addiction. Then once we use our phones to check on things for a ‘minute’, we start scrolling and end up wasting a lot of time.
Hence, before you sit down to write your essay, we highly recommend turning your phone off. If you’re a legit social media addict, you might want to increase the distance between you and your phone.

Have A Schedule

A good way to discipline yourself is to work according to a schedule. Divide up your day into different slots for all your activities and make sure to allocate one for essay writing. Don’t push it towards the end of the day when you’re feeling pretty drained. If you do this, your mind will start to wander and you’ll have a hard time focusing on the task at hand.

Take A Break

Remember, you’re not a machine. Our brains can’t stay focused for extremely long stretches at times so it’s actually more productive to take short breaks here and there. For instance, if you’ve been working on your literature review, term paper or dissertation for thirty minutes and you’re starting to feel a bit sluggish, take a five-minute break to get up and do some stretches. When you get back to it, you’ll be much more refreshed.

Reward Yourself

If there’s no reward at the end of all your hard work, then your brain will automatically be less compliant. Hence, we recommend working out a system where you give yourself a little treat for hitting a certain word count. For example, if you have to write a thousand-word essay, reward yourself with a piece of candy or a short video on Youtube every time you complete 250 words.

Have An Outline

A lot of time is wasted rewriting and restructuring essays. In order to prevent this, take the time to make a comprehensive outline of the paper. This way you know what piece of the content goes where and you have a clear mental image of the essay from start to finish.

Let Someone Else Proof-Read

Reviews and edits often take a lot of time because we’re not objective when it comes to our own work. Therefore, it’s a good idea to let someone else (who is capable) go through and critique the essay.
The main reason why essay writing takes so long is the number of distractions we have to wade through. In this article, we took a look at six ways to stop wasting time and improve our focus.
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