This is a long but certainly well researched write on Education. So much to learn from this.
I am going feature this post in the next Xposed Curator's Rebound #58. You may find details about it Xposed Curator's Rebound
My hope is to bring your quality work here the exposure it deserves, and with it, hopefully some additional rewards.
Best wishes, @mirrors
Nice! Thank you very much, I will be sure to look into this later on today.
The Best to you!
yes well researched but he plagiarizes much of his content "original thought" from internal training systems that I created for my private school in China, ( which I built from nothing ) which I employed him to work in as an English teacher. I trusted him and now I'm very disappointed to see that he disappeared from wechat and still owes me money! Michael speaks as if he's an authority on the subject of alternative schooling but he is regurgitating much of the content of our training system... What a shame... I don't like to call people out publicly but I feel like I've created a monster... I hope he can take his bullshit and his satanic conspiracy theories back to his cave of ignorance and leave the Chinese education system to people that actually earned their stripes.