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Destroyed bodies conceived land, good attitude remembered too. A proverb in Indonesian that has a very deep meaning and touches to the soul. A proverb describing the very basic meaning of life in the social order of human life. Parents, teachers, and anyone will teach good manners to the young generations.
Manners are more synonymous with politeness and character more identical to ethics. Decency is a living rule that arises from the relative results of relationships, based on place, environment, or time. Ethics are attitude rules or behaviour around the existing environment and include manners in attitude or speech. In addition, Ethics is also a description of one's behaviour in everyday life.

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In the news, we have heard a student kill his teacher. Previously, we were also excited by several cases of teachers being thrown into prison because the student has reported the teacher to the police for a reason emphatic education.
In the author's experience, the author has seen a case where a student threatens his own lecturer with death threats. Is this worth behaviour from a student to his own lectures? The author exactly says no.

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An ethics and modesty is a reflection of our daily behaviour also how do we choose an environment and friends in daily life. If we choose a healthy and positive environment, then we will automatically be followed by a healthy and positive social pattern and vice-versa.
The author remembered a hadith Rasulullah Shallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam which choosing the friendship between a seller of perfume and blacksmith. If you are friends with a fragrance seller, you can buy or even be given a perfume for you. If not, then you will still sprinkle the fragrance. While making friends with a blacksmith, maybe you could have sparks of fire from the burning coals, but surely you will remain exposed to the smoke that is not pleasant. (Bukhari 5534 and Muslim 2628).

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If we look deeper, an ethic and courtesy are first taught from our own home. A parent will definitely teach good ethics and modesty in accordance with the existing method. When the child is playing with his friend, the other friends will have different ethics and manner teaching patterns in their own home. This will influence child's social life.
That it's lucky if a child will get a good ethics and manners. If not, the child will get hurt. Will fall into a negative social life and out from norms of life.

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The author only affirms and reminds that an ethics and modesty is a package of social life that can not be separated. An ethics and modesty is a very complex and systematic education must be taught early. If not, our next generation will be destroyed in a broken direction and uncontrollable norms of life.
Give a good example and do not familiarize yourself, sister, brother, sister, or anyone to perform an action that is outside the norm of life. To advise and reminded each other is a thing that should be done. Starting from ourselves, then all positive things will spread to others.
I hope this article can useful for us.
Best regards,