The Concept of Islamic Education According to Al-Ghazali and its relevance to character education in Indonesia

in #education7 years ago

Education according to the Islamic view is part of the task of the human caliphate that must be carried out responsibly, then the accountability can only be prosecuted if there are rules and guidelines for implementation. Therefore, Islam certainly gives outlines on the implementation of the education. Islam provides fundamental concepts of education, and it is the human responsibility to articulate and apply these basic concepts in educational practice.

Given the fact that there is now, education lately felt less lead to the formation of human perfect. Education less emphasize the balance of spiritual aspect with intellectual, therefore the concept of character education developed in Indonesia. Many concepts about character education, but with the concept of education Al-Ghazali felt very in accordance with the culture and religious values in Indonesia.

Imam Al-Ghazali has a broad mind and view on the aspect of education, education not only includes the intelligence of the mind alone, but far more important is the aspect of moral, faith, social, physical and so forth, as mentioned in his book phenomenal read all pesantren in Indonesia, namely "Ihya Ulumuddin". According to him, the purpose of education is to get closer to Allah SWT, not looking for position, grandeur, and bravery or get a position that makes money. Therefore, the educator is the person who seeks to guide, improve, and purify the heart so as to be close to Allah SWT.

Thus there is a very close relevance between the concept of education in the perspective of Imam Al-Ghazali with character education in Indonesia, namely emphasis on moral improvement and morality of a person.

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