
I am indeed.

Awesome. I have relatives there. I found this word in the book "Tracks" by Robyn Davidson (aka the Camel Lady). She has a lot of interesting words in her language, that i haven't heared anywhere else. Was this kind of academic lingo back then? (In the sense of "from a higher educated background")

I couldn't tell you if it was purely academic back then. I could make an assumption based on the character of the Prime Minister who said it (snobby know it all persona) that it may have been the case. It was the first I had heard it, but that's not saying much, having been in a poorer Government High School at the time.

So is this word not in common use elsewhere?

I don't think so. At least i have never heard it anywhere else before. It's like the word "bamboozling" in India, that seems to be used more by them than anyone else. ;)

Where are you from? My relatives live in Melbourne. They are part of the greek community that was brought / invited after WW 2 to kickstart the economy. Somewhat like the italians in germany.

I'm from Melbourne. Most of my childhood friends were Greek. I lived in a predominantly Greek part of town. There is still a huge Greek population there.

That's so cool. It would be so funny if you know my family over there ;) The world is so small :) Does the surname Kolokythas ring a bell?

It's possible I could have come across that name when I was living in that area. I don't recall. I moved from that area about twenty years ago. Greek culture was everywhere in Melbourne in the 80s. Television shows, plays, etc. Not so much now.

It's a small world.