C Keywords
C Operators
Qualifier is an extra name given to either variables or functions , showing an extra quality or extra meaning for that variable or function.
Size qualifiers- It tells the size of basic data type. E.g. short, long short int
Sign qualifiers- It tells the sign of the variable +ive or -ive E.g. signed , unsigned
Constant qualifiers/modifier - It can be declared with keyword const. An object declared by const cannot be modified.
const int i=10;
float const f=0.0f;
unsigned const long double ld=3.14L;
output : compiler error, cannot modify const variable.void main()
const int a=5;
- Volatile qualifiers - A variable is declared volatile when it’s value is changed external source from outside the program. “volatile” keyword is used.
(There is another type qualifier near, far, huge, which qualify only pointer type data type ,interrupt is also qualifier of data)
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