
Density and mass are properties of objects, they are not forces that move objects. Saying density moves objects is like saying that color can be substituted for gravity. Movement requires a force, and gravity specifically requires a force going towards the earth.

What is the FORCE that makes objects accelerate towards the earth that we describe as gravity? Please be specific and provide the experimental proof.

When did I say density moves objects? Please reread my last response.

Yes, I read it. You didn't say density moves objects, but you are denying gravity, which implies it. I know the argument well. Deny gravity, replace it with nothing. Say 'density and buoyancy' are the cause of things falling, which explains nothing and still requires a force.

If that were ever proven it would then no longer be the Theory of Gravity. You could call it the Law of Gravity without being wrong. On that day I will tip my hat to you.

As you must be to be a flat earther, you are proving your scientific illiteracy and inability to fact check. I'm sorry, but your statement is false and you should probably go learn these scientific concepts before you state nonsense that makes you look silly. (PS: we have the law of gravitation and the theory of gravity).

Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality.
Some Guy

So in addition to dishonest and lazy I am also stupid and illiterate? What facts should I check?

What facts should you check? YOu discussed THEORIES becoming FACTS when they are proven. That statement is incorrect, as I pointed out.

Do you not think you should understand what theories and facts ARE before making such statements?

And you said, "Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality."

Another strawman. WHICH facts have no relation to reality that I HAVE MENTIONED or that relate to the globe and disprove it to be true? Be specific and show your work.