Do you really think that anyone with serious power would want you "educated?"
I'll try to make this short and to the point, but without lacking real reason for contemplation. It seems that most in America believe that some real education and equipping of knowledge occurs at both the public school level and at colleges and universities. While that belief is common, does it even make sense?
Without room for discussion, a rich, elite "ruling class" does a pretty good job of maintaining their control of things here in the United States. We'll refer to that as them having "power." A common phrase is that "knowledge is power" and interestingly enough, it's this ruling class and the government that "educates" the general population through the government school system. If the general population was really educated in a way that equipped them to understand reality, to use and develop critical thinking skills, and to be equipped to become more than just another cog in the American workforce, then that would be a direct threat to the power of the elite, would it not?
If we actually observe how mainstream media repeatedly traumatizes and brainwashes the public and how the current colleges seems to only produce emotional wrecks that can't be exposed to an opposing view without freaking out or bursting into tears, it seems that those in power don't really have much to worry about if they want to remain in control. It's amazing to watch brainwashed people repeat the mantra of "you must go to college" only to inspire others to seek further brainwashing.
I simply bring this subject up with the hopes of encouraging a few others to evaluate this situation for themselves. The evidence is everywhere in our society, it's just that most are too busy paying bills or being amused to invest the mental effort needed to see behind the curtain. Just for fun, here's another Mark Dice video. (This post is in no way a promotion of Mark Dice, I just think that a couple of his videos are applicable in this discussion.)
here's the proof:As always, I'm @papa-pepper and
Ha. Everyone knows it's Mexico.
LOL - apparently!
It does blow my mind how ridiculous people can be and sometimes the thing that is the most insane is how some of these people end up employed for significant amounts of money.
For instance my sister is a supervisor at General Motors and they had some guy there that was also a supervisor and he was running scams on people at work telling them that he could get them a good deal on iPhones and iPads and taking thousands from people and never getting them the products and he was doing that to people for a year and he was a scammer up at another GM plant.
I'm like!!! Are you serious??? I was just blown away that a guy like that keeps getting a job and is able to do that.
I told my sister that they would be better off going out and actually just hiring people who they can vouge for and who are smart. Not just the people who look like they have some good resume.
It actually blows my mind on the hiring process that these companies go though.
Dude was basically committing criminal fraud and he didn't get charged. They asked him to resign in the end. Dumb
Dumb indeed!
Great post man, I am a fan of Mark dice and watch his videos. People are getting dumber and dumber every day. People are losing their minds and completely throwing away their morals . And I think the children are Severely suffering from it. For example my sister has a friend (around 12) who thinks drag queens are completely normal and among other things of this nature. Mind you she said at one point she was a Christian but she didn’t believe in god, I am completely confused how that would make any Sense. I think the children are having a really hard time understanding what right and wrong, I also think the public schools are also a big problem as well. I thank GOD my sister is home schooled. I know my comment is not exactly related to you post but felt Convicted to say this. GOD bless you and keep you!!!
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No, everything you shared probably fits into this subject rather well. Thanks for sharing and speaking openly. God bless you too!
GREAT RANT PAPA PEPPER!!! So true and right on! This is why I've been deprogramming myself giving myself a REAL education over the last 13 years now. If I had the right kind of help I'd be where activists like Dean Clifford and Druanna Wails are right now. You are absolutely right, the truth is people are indoctrinated NOT educated. Government schools: why people in this country are so stupid. I used to have a bumper sticker that said that.
Ah, the bumper sticker billboards... more truth than mainstream media!
The ruling elite removed the study of classical logic from the curriculum in the early 1900s.
Logic is the study of the structure of ideas. People who learn logic are better able to discern lies from the media, the state and big business.
This was probably the most significant change in American culture of the last century, yet we never hear people talk about it.
BTW: many people use the term "classical liberal" refers to the application of classical logic to the question of liberty. The US Founders, Abraham Lincoln, Hayek and Von Mises are pillars of the classical liberal tradition.
Logik? Wutz dat?
And they teach you in such a way that those who answer "correctly" are good children and those who don't are bad, wrong, dumb.
Amen to that. Don't you feel smart?
Resteemed - Controlling structure is purely to control, not educate- it is up to us to self educate to appreciate real truth. Stay strong and free @papa-pepper. Yay - hot selfie 🔥🌈❤️🍀
LOL - My hottest selfie so far, but I might not want post post any hotter ones! Thanks @sallybeth23~
😂 Happy New Year ❤️
I freaked out AND burst in to tears while reading this post :-)
Oh no, another one...
You are right. Seriously people need to understand life the way it is rather than existing alone, we must live and live up.....i could not watch those videos cos here in my country, data speed is another case that calls for salvation.
The videos were mostly just showing how foolish some Americans are, choosing a chocolate bar worth cents rather than a bar of Silver worth hundreds.... people.
Schooling and Education is not the same thing. America has been fooled into believing that they are and this has given the elites even more control over the thoughts and behavior of our youth. A well schooled man knows how to follow, a well educated man knows how to lead.
Amen to that! Very well said, where did you get schooled? LOL
Wishing you and yours a Happy New Years and all the best for 2019
Thanks @tattoodjay! Same to you my friend!
Cheers Mate
Ahahah a flaming proof!🔥😲
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Glad that you liked it. Probably my hottest selfie.
Ahahahah fun!🤣 I will do one but with flames on the head!🔥🔥😉
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it's not what you don't know that hurts
it's what you think is so that's not.
Happy New Year to you and yours...Only the tip of the iceburg, @papa-pepper, but when talking truth, it just takes a very short few minutes and we get that glazed look; you know that look: most don't want to know.