The "Lobster of the Lake!"
These crazy cool little crustaceans are some pretty interesting little guys. I grew up enjoying playing with these at the lakes and streams that I visited, and have even caught a few large fish by using them as bait. While they are omnivores and will eat both plants and animals, they are also part of the "cleanup crew" and help get rid of carrion in the water.
They've sure got a pinch on them too, so you've got to be careful. Like with many other creatures, I teach the @little-peppers how to safely interact with them. Check out the video and learn some more!
here's the proof:As always, I'm @papa-pepper and
Until next time…
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Mmmm...I like freshly cooked crayfish!...:)...
I believe crayfish is a good sign that the water is in good condition, thanks mike
I still like snaks the most
This form me proof.
In my aquarium
wow, this is very cool, be careful with his big legs,
Wow! They look so amazing.
Lot of beautiful creatures are found in the water
howdy papa-pepper very educational on these little guys, we have alot of them here in TX, interesting to know that they perform an important function in the ecosystem as well. I agree about not eating them though although many people consider them to be a real treat, not clean to eat.
great job!
Yeah, I used to eat a lot of them, but we gave it up.
Love those crawfishes. Especially Cajun style!
Wow Very Good Is That Not Dangerous To You @papa-pepper
Just a little dangerous with the pinchers!
Oooo That Should Be Careful Friend.
We used to play with these when were kids. Never have eaten one since they are cleanup crew and like to know my food has consumed before hand.
My mom and her husband use to fish for them, we call them craw dads. They would fish at night, use a lantern to lure them in. For the bait they used a panty hose stuffed with meat attached to a line. Their pinchers get stuck in the hose.
We would get so many they would fill my kiddy pool, then threaten to throw me in it 😕
My Cat :)