Silence is usually interpreted, by children and adults, as a lack of stimuli that generates boredom and even discomfort. However, its advantages are enormous for the development and well-being of all people.
In a world of stimuli and volatility, silence is almost as difficult to find as gold. Therefore, educating in silence to know its relevance from an early age is extremely important. We detail the benefits of doing so and its importance for the development of children.
How many minutes a day do you take to appreciate the silence? Do you favor a calm atmosphere in the home so that each member of the family connects with its interior?
Perhaps it may sound like a utopia when it comes to young children, but teaching them to value those moments of tranquility and relaxation is key, especially nowadays. Pay attention to the benefits of educating in silence and, if it seems appropriate, consider it to apply at home.
Benefits of silence
Enjoying a few minutes of silence at different times of the day presents great benefits for people. Of course, children are also included. Science has proven that being silent offers the following advantages :
Combat stress , given that one of its main causes is excessive noise. It is considered that sounds greater than 30 decibels are capable of causing stress and high blood pressure.
It encourages concentration for solving problems and also provides more peace of mind when dealing with difficulties.
It helps the development and recovery of the immune system.
In this sense, having a few minutes of relaxation during the day or before going to sleep can be a great option. Also, activities such as yoga , which can also be practiced by children, offer moments of meditation.
Why is it advisable to educate in silence?
Once the reasons that make silence an important element for well-being are developed, it is necessary to clarify why it is necessary to educate in silence. Children are active in their own right, but current technology and lifestyle have enhanced this constant stimulation.
Educating in silence helps children become aware of their own thoughts.
Therefore, the need to make them see the advantages of those moments is even greater. These are the main reasons why you should teach your children to value silence.
A moment to enjoy life
The little ones are the most restless and curious explorers in the world. Everything that surrounds them catches their attention, they want to see it, smell it, feel it. However, older people do not always give them the freedom to do so.
We live accelerated, running fast everywhere without getting anywhere. The worst part is that we take our children with us.
What should we do then? Take everything more calmly. Sit with your child in the park and give him space, time and freedom to move and explore. Dedicate to yourself and him a time dedicated to do nothing; it is possible to stop, see and think what is happening in the world.
"Silence allows a greater concentration for solving problems and also provides more peace of mind when dealing with difficulties"
Quality over quantity
Have you heard about the concept of multitasking ? Or children multitasking ? Both concepts embody the idea that the human is capable of doing several things at once with the same attention and 'perfection'. However, our brain is not trained for this; on the contrary, it only wears out more when trying.
The education that children receive today is that it is better to do more than to do it well. Therefore, they are immersed in a constant coming and going of thoughts, orders and slogans without really being able to listen to what their will dictates.
Educating in silence means leaving this space for reflection, even when you are busy. In general, the best ideas and the most creative works arise when there is plenty of tranquility and you are in an environment that allows you to think, analyze and decide.
Understand and admire the world
Silence is a great tool for children to contemplate what they have around them and how they got to that state. Plan to question how that tree became so tall; how that bird could build that nest branch by branch; at what time the sun hides between those buildings on the horizon.
We live so alienated, at a pace that is not ours, that we do not notice simple but very obvious changes that occur in our face. This capacity for observation is fundamental to foster critical thinking and analytical skills. Educating in silence is a good way to develop it.
The silence game of Montessori
It is one of the activities par excellence when it comes to educating in silence. This game, proposed by the Italian educator Maria Montessori, invites to generate a place of reflection and relaxation.
Educating in silence is a valuable teaching for the little ones.
The way to practice it is very simple:
Children should sit on the floor, arranged in a circle.
Ask them to imagine being flowers, rocks or another immobile object. They should remain silent for 30 seconds.
When listening to a sound that you indicate or be called by its name, children should open their eyes.
Ask them to explain what they felt in that moment of silence.
Each day that you practice this activity, add a few seconds of silence. It is an extremely beneficial activity and, at the same time, very different for the boys. It allows them to exercise discipline, self-control and patience.
As a mother, you must take care of offering your son all that is necessary for his integral development. This includes what is often not seen, but it is extremely valuable. Silence fits into this category: introduce it into the relaxing world of the absence of sounds.
Wow, am impressed, but what's more impressive is that you managed to get them to sit still and be silent. I always have a hard time doing that.