Create a study schedule.
Listen to your teacher during classes. Do not daydream and do not be a lazy listener.
Do not engage in pleasantries whilst a class is going on.
During class breaks, study and go to the library.
During weekends or days without classes, devote to studying.
After studying, sleep on time.
When you get home, study, study, study.
Create mnemonics when memorizing.
Imagine the things you want to memorize. It is an effective way to remember what you want to memorize.
Do not go to hang out with your friends when you are supposed to be studying.
Take notes of what your teacher writes on the blackboard.
Take pictures of the slides your teacher presents or you can also ask for your teacher’s file.
Highlight important words in your book.
When studying, you can take a break for about 5 minutes after every 30 minutes. This can help you refresh your mind.
Sit near the blackboard or in front of the class.
Befriend smart people or students who like studying.
Do not waste your time. Do not watch TV, and do not use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. while studying.
Utilize YouTube to learn more about a subject.
Do your best always.
Be responsible.
Prepare your things in the evening. Make sure all of your stuff is in the bag and your clothes are prepared.
Whenever you feel lazy, start doing the easiest things first. This will eventually jump start to something productive.
Never ever quit.
Whenever you do not understand anything, ask your teacher or professor to explain it to you.
Recite every time. Always raise your hand whenever your teacher asks questions.
Do not wait for a quiz or a test before studying. Study everything whenever you have time.
Set your eyes on your goals.
I would like to add: do sport or physical activity to mantain healty your mind.
Additionally, your brain will be free from thoughts for a while and your productivity will gain a boost.
"Mens sana in corpore sano"

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