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RE: Danger of Child Pornography : Think before you share your children cute pictures and family info on Steemit , Facebook , Instragram et al

in #education7 years ago

This is a major issue though the danger is mostly for parents that are not close with their children.

I would never do anything that harmed my children including put them in school, leave them with a baby sitter, bring them to the doctor, daycare or any such places.

My children live in the safest place I have been, are always around adults who are protecting them and I also believe that nudity is natural.

It is true there are dangerous and bad people out there yet they won't be messing with me or my family because we are to well protected.

If anyone things that the photos that I am posting of my children are inappropriate then they are perverted and very disconnected from natural, healthy living.


I agree with you. The post is just a warning to those parents who trust their family pictures with sites like facebook and instagram without thinking of the issues that might arise. No one is praying for something bad to happen and I agree with you about being 100% there for your kids (excellent job @quinneaker ). I watched videos of abuse of children by baby sitters . Unfortunately , not all parents do have the leasure of time and thus will sent to daycare or even hire baby sitter.
How do you manage not to go to doctor? do you have a secret to everlasting life? haha pls share with your bud in order for me to be healthy like you all.

Yes I have many techniques (not secrets as I share them freely). I have written a book on health and also @gardenofeden posts health posts every day almost. We have hundreds of posts with natural, effective and cheap/free ways to be healthy and heal from illness.

I am glad you would like to be healthy. It is truly one of the most valuable parts of a good life. I hope to be able to help you improve your health!

Amen to that, you are already helping by sharing positive energy and health news here. @gardenofeden is also a great page...thanks for your great posts

Thank you for the support. I hope that you find some helpful health information in these posts.

Amen to that, you are welcome bud and thanks for your support and kindness

Together we can achieve great things!

Amen to that my dear buddy bud...amen

Yes it is true there are a lot of bad things that happen to children and parents should do their best to protect them. Though the only way to guarantee that is to be with your children all the time or with a family that you truly trust. There are always great risks to children from this dangerous world, but there are also solutions.
I also agree FB is not a good site to use.

I agree with you...being with your children is great and shows love. Unfortunately some parents do not have such opportunity due to work or other schedule . Good point and you are doing a great job...blesssings and success to you and your family.

Yes the world can be very tough and working all day is a common problem.
Though this is another reason that I promote sustainable and community living. When living sustainably life is work and all the children can be involved and the family together. Also in community there are many children to play with each other and also other adults to help with the children. This frees up a lot of time and makes the whole parenting thing more efficient.
I think people would be a lot happier living this way and it used to be very common.

Good point, I agree..thanks for the tip