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RE: Stuck in the middle with you: Lessons in the mediocrity of school

in #education7 years ago

This is a very interesting post, I'm glad you shared this.

I'm from Venezuela and the deep crisis we're in obviously doesn't exclude the educational system. Public schools (and private one's too) are running out of professors because of the massive emigration due to crisis. Quality is deplorable. The goverment recently announced it will give a monetary bonus for pregnant women, you can imagine that with a dying educational system this could only provoque more and more early pregnancy wich leads to even more poverty. On top of this, that monthly amount of money they'll give them, which is equivalent to about 3 dollars, can buy food "enough" for like a week to a family of four right now, and willl lose his value hour by hour! Also, this doesn't encourage people to study or work and achieve autorealization, which I understand is one of the critics you're making, it does exactly the opposite.

But it's a very extense subject... Sorry to bother, I know I got a little off the subject but it made me think about all of this. Great post, @tarazkp!

post, so thanks to you too!Btw, I got here thanks to @mandelsage promotion