About university education

in #education7 years ago

Education is so important for eveyone .According to me education is not just about the lessons.My education life began when I was born.First of all my family educated me.I learnt so many things from them.In my opinion most important education which our parents taught us.Primary school education is compulsory in Turkey. I think It is good.Because every person should be literate.If we want to live quality life, we should continue our education after primary school.But Turkey's education system is not good.Our education system depends on memorizing.So I think if you have a chance , you should take your education from other country.

In my opinion school education is not enough.We should educate ourselves.Lets get to the point.

Lets be clear.No one wants to go to school.But we want to live quality life .Therefore we should, we must.
Everyone doesnt have to go university.

The richest people of the world didnt graduate from university.We sould be entrepneur, if we want to be rich.