in #education7 years ago
Paris throws every twenty-five billion francs into the water. And I do not speak in metaphor. How and what way: day and night. For what purpose ?: without any object. With what idea? Without thinking, what for ?: nothing. By what means of what organ ?: By means of your intestine. What is your gut ?: the sewers.! Twenty-five billion is the most approximate of the approximate figures given by the calculations of special science.

Science, after having groped for a long time, knows today that the most fertile and effective of fertilizers is human fertilizer. The Chinese, let's say it to our shame, knew it before us. No Chinese farmer returns from the city without bringing, at the two ends of his bamboo, two buckets full of what we call filth. Thanks to the fertilizer, the land of China is still as young as it was in Abraham's time. Chinese wheat yields up to one hundred and twenty-eight grains per seed. There is no grain comparable to its fertility, to the detritus of a capital. A great city is the best of the dunghills. To employ the city in paying the plain would be to ensure infallible success. If our gold is manure, our manure is instead gold.

What is done with gold-manure?

Ship convoys are sent, which cause great expense, in the southern pole the excrement of the petrels and penguins, and the incalculable element of opulence that is within reach of the hand is thrown into the sea. All the human and animal manure that the world loses, returned to the earth instead of being thrown into the sea, would be enough to feed the world. These heaps of filth from the corners and curbs, these garbage trucks that jostle at night in the streets, those horrible casks of the dunghill, these fetid streams of mud that the cobblestones hide, do you know what they are? They are the meadow in flower, the green grass, the serpil, the thyme, the sage; they are the hunting, the cattle, the mooing of satisfaction of the oxen in the afternoon; they are odorous hay, golden wheat, bread on your table, warm blood in your veins; they are health joy, life. This is what this mysterious creation wants, which is the transformation on earth and the transfiguration on the sky.

Return this to the great crucible and it will come out of your abundance .
The nutrition of our plains forms the food of men .
Owners are to lose this wealth, and to judge me also ridiculous .
It will be the masterpiece of your ignorance .

The statistics have calculated that France alone pours every year to the Atlantic, by mouth of its rivers five hundred billion. With these five hundred billion, a quarter of the budget would be paid; However, the ability of men is such that they prefer to get rid of them, giving them to the stream.
The very substance of the town, here drop by drop, there in waves, is carried away by that miserable spill of our sewers in the rivers, that gigantic vomit of our rivers in the ocean. Every hiccup of our millions sewer. Two are its results: the impoverished earth and the plagued water. The hunger that goes out of furrow, and the disease of the river.
It is notorious, for example, that the Thames poisons London.
A double tubular apparatus, equipped with valves and locks aspirants and impeller, a system of elementary drainage, simple as the lung of man, and that this in full operation in several communes of England, would be sufficient to send to your fields the rich water of the cities, and by this system, the simplest in the world, we would take advantage of the five hundred billion thrown out.

The current procedure does evil, wanting to do good. The intention is good the result is sad. It is believed to expurgate the city, and the population becomes ill. A sewer is a misunderstanding. Everywhere the drainage, with its double function, restoring what it takes, has replaced the sewer, simple impoverishing wash, then, combined with the data and a new social economy, the product of the land will be duplicated, and the problem of misery will be singularly attenuated. Add the suppression of parasitism, and it will be solved.