Education is the most important thing in our lives, it means that every human being deserves and hopes to always develop in education. Education in general has a meaning of a life process in developing each individual to be able to live and live life. So being an educated person is very important. The first education we get in the family environment, school environment and community environment.
A beloved child will love his family, so the child will feel that the child is needed in the family. Because feel the family as a source of strength that membangunya.Dengan will arise a situation of mutual help, mutual respect, which is very supportive of the development of anak.Di in the family that gives the maximum chance of growth, and development is the parents.In the family environment self-esteem develops because appreciated, accepted, loved, and respected as human beings. That is the importance of why we become educated people in the environment
family.Old parents teach us from childhood to appreciate others.
While in the school environment that becomes second education and if the parents have enough money then can continue to the higher level and will continue to university then become an educated. How important is the education. Teachers as media educators to provide knowledge in accordance with the ability possessed. The role of the teacher as an educator is the role of providing help and encouragement, as well as the tasks associated with disciplining the child so that the child can have a sense of responsibility with what he does. The teacher should also make sure that the lessons given are always sufficient to interest the child.
In addition, the role of the community environment is also important for students. This means giving us a picture of how we live in society. Thus when we interact with society they will judge us, knowing which people are educated, and not educated. In the era of the Era of Globalization is expected the younger generation can develop the knowledge gained so as not to be left behind in the development of the times. That's the importance of being an educated person in the Family, School, and Society environment.