My Stories #14 How can I get a 4 in GPA while living a fruitful life? 💯 ✏️【生活小確幸 #14 GPA有4生活也可以很精彩——你也可以】😚

in #education7 years ago (edited)

Hi my fellow Steemians🌹


This is Susan:) If you've followed me long enough, you would know the "playful", "foodie-ish" and "artistic" side of me🎀:) However, you may not be familiar with the "ACADEMIC" side of me👓. So, this time I'm gonna reveal how "Miss Susan" gets a 4 in GPA while keeping my life balanced:)

如果大家已經追蹤我有一段時間的話,應該已經對"愛玩的我"、"貪吃的我"和"喜愛藝術的我"有所了解🎀:) 但是,大家可能對"勤奮向上"的我了解不多XD 所以,今天我想跟大家講講Miss Susan是怎樣在GPA過4的同時保持學習工作平衡的:)



Hard Work 勤奮🖋


Except you're a genius (while I'm not ;p), hard work is vital to success in academia (or any other fields like sports)🔥. I guess there's no need to define what's hard work because everyone has his own standards. However, what I want to stress is that hard work IS NOT EQUAL TO remembering all the information in lecture notes or readings!!!!! Do you think I'm gonna emphasize the importance of critical thinking❓ Actually I think "Don't write clichéd arguments, critical thinking must be shown in your work" has itself become a clichéd advice. As students, we all know the importance of originality and have spent our whole life learning how to form critical arguments. We shouldn't be content with a few good arguments when doing a piece of homework.

除非你是個天才(我不是哦;p),要不然勤奮真的是很重要的呢(不僅在學業方面,別的方面也一樣)🔥!我相信我不用定義什麼是勤奮,因為這個詞對每個人來說的定義都不同吧。不過我想強調的是,勤奮不等於把所有筆記和參考資料都背下來!!大家是不是以為我會提醒大家"批判性思考"的重要性呢❓不,因為「不要寫陳腔濫調,自己的看法很重要」這種建議本身已經是一種陳腔濫調。做了多年的學生,相信我們都知道原創與創意的重要性。我們不應該滿足於幾個"critical arguments"。


So, what else does hard work include? It includes the ability to select USEFUL and RELEVANT sources for your essays✔️, the capability to "detect" what the professor likes and dislikes in a presentation📚 (More visuals or words? Brief or detailed conclusion?), and the skills in communicating with your group mates whom you might have not met before💬. Plus, I always make sure I read the marking scheme 10 times before writing an essay. Also, when time is limited, I would read the sources cited in one of the articles recommended by the professors in stead of finding sources from thousands of works in the library. Of course the list goes on. All of these depend on your experience and the time you're willing to spend ;pp

那麼,我所說的"勤奮"還包括什麼呢?它還包括只引用最相關的參考資料✔️、趁早了解某個教授在做報告時的偏好 (多字還是多圖?簡潔還是詳細的總結?)📚,還有與素未謀面的組員的溝通技巧💬。還有,在下筆前把評分標準讀10遍也是很重要的。如果時間緊張,我會選擇閱讀教授推薦文章中所引用的篇章,以節省在圖書館慢慢翻書的時間。當然,還有很多很多需要注意的事項。我把這些稱為「勤奮」,因為要掌握以上的技巧我們需要投入許多的心血與時間呢;ppp


Family and friends 家人與朋友


Spending time with my family and friends is very important for balancing my studies and life😌!!! Because they're the ones who always stand by me when I'm stressed, and they're also the ones with whom I'm willing to share my happiness. I like doing sports with them because we can keep each other's company while becoming more healthy together 😎



And sometimes it's fun to try new styles they like!!! LOLLLL! Do I look like a girl in the 60s? 😝



My friends and family are always the motivation for me to become a better person and to strive for excellence❤️



Rest 休息


Last but not the least- rest!!!!! 😍 I love listening to music, singing, reading, watching TV and movies, hiking, sleeping... toooo many to be mentioned!!! Ample rest is essential to your success in studies or work, since how are you be able to deal with the essays and presentations and projects and journals when you're exhausted and distressed? You may say that there's too much work to do that you can't afford to rest. However personally the price of drop in productivity is even higher ;pp


I think no matter we're studying or working, work-life balance is of utmost importance. We have to learn from experience, and even if we fail for few times we shouldn't give up, because to chase our dreams, all the hard work is worth it:) Wish everyone a lovely day ❤❤!

所以,現在無論是讀書,還是工作的你們應該怎樣做才能保持工作生活平衡呢?當然就是要跟著我左手右手一個慢動作,右手左手慢動作重播......你有沒有愛上我?😆🎶 咳咳 沒有啦,其實這些都要在實踐中學習,每個人有不同的生活方式、不同的抗壓秘訣。就算某些時候有挫敗感也沒有關係,因為我相信只要找到自己真正的追求,即使辛苦,也值得:) 祝大家生活愉快!❤❤


Please follow me @susanlo! Thanks a lot for your support! ❤️

請追蹤我 @susanlo!謝謝你的支持! ❤️


GPA 4不難,GPA低過1才難


我們真的是跟她不同世界的人.... 怎麼樣?我來寫一篇惡搞文還是你寫?




呦?啊不就好棒棒,哼?美貌呢?美貌才是我們“女“人,最重要的... 其他都是假的,你這個小女"孩",還要多學著點呢!

Dean's list... 能吃嗎?一顆多少?市值第幾?說不出來吧?

DM我吧,姐姐教你怎麼絕殺天下男人,讓他們為你打工.... 別念書了,紅塵,才是真正的學校。

P.s. 你男友是薯條耶

哼哼!美貌什麼的我真的不太在意啦XD 智慧不只lasts 20年,美貌呀什麼的化化妝就誰都有了😌 我要化妝肯定嚇你一跳!低調低調......

Dean list不能吃不能喝,但能讓我父母欣慰感到值得,而這是市價第一的幣都永遠買不來的😎😌


我已經看破紅塵,無欲無求...... 念經中 施主,肯施捨1000000 SBD嗎?


GPA 4真的厉害喔!👍 很欣赏小美女的生活方式,劳逸结合,棒棒哒!😊

謝謝美女的讚賞!<3 haha我以後會再加油的!😆👍



謝謝美女!!!😍 好高興呀,好的我這就去看!!!


多謝教授誇獎!😍 教授先系真正犀利TT!!! XD



GPA 4 啊 !!

棒棒哒 一起加油

謝謝你jeffan!! 加油:)




多謝!>v< 我也覺得有些難,還要更努力!我會加油的,add oil!!! :)

Gosh 4 GPA! Smarty pants! I barely scrapped 2 hehe :) Nice one!

Thanks a lot pandanwaffle!!! Haha I'm sure we're good at different things in life!! Haha have a nice day:)



Honestly the one living a good life getting a good GPA compare to those who is lacking everything.

I'm sorry to hear that but actually I'm not from a wealthy family, and I also do part time jobs to maintain my life. I think the most important thing is we find our dreams in life, which is not necessarily related to academic results :)

hard work is vital to success in academia (or any other fields like sports)🔥
👆totally agree😎😎

Hahaha thanks! And music too!!!! Add oil Kona!! I'm touched by ed Sheeran's story, and look what a star he's become!! 😍

yeah...I will promote his song soon👍👍👍

Hahah ohhh I didn't mean I want you to promote his songs XDDD haha just that his story came into my mind whenever hard work is mentioned XD you like him too? Nice taste 😎

good night!

ㅋㅋ 감사합니다 wooboo님:) good night!!


再讀的話 去美國 Ivy League 但有冇課外活動同做義工?有 隨時唔駛$
真心唔建議你系香港 浪費左

有野問架話 telegram dm 我

Hahaha!! 多謝你!我有課外活動同義工呀,不過吾算多XD ahaha我會好好考慮咖多謝你既建議!>V< 好,有問題dm你!

Your life seems so balanced already! Good job you can combine all of this!!

Thank you Iris!! Haha I'll try to do even better in the future! :))

you are very busy girl! :D

Haha right I am TVT but I enjoy my life a lot XD

that's the most important bit ;)

哇 你好勁呀!





謝謝你wannastay :)) haha其實兼顧這麼多東西真的是很困難的TVT 我在工作時不會分心,而且比較習慣一做就連續幾小時,為求思路不被打斷(有人說中間需要有休息,但我休息的話效率就會慢很多,因人而異);我自己是習慣在晚上工作的,所以約朋友呀放鬆呀之類的東西都會盡量安排在白天XD 「早睡早起」雖然是一個好的習慣,但我覺得找到最適合自己的作息時間才是最重要的haha!還有就是要保持良好的心境,凡事都看開:))
Hope it helps!


wow, congragulations for you @susanlo GPA 4..

thank you very much :)

it looks like you really love your family @susanlo

Yes I do:)

Nice post @susanlo. happy to get to know you.
