It happens to the best of us. Procrastination. This is the first question most people ask me when I tell them I'm a freelance copywriter, "How do you keep yourself motivated to get the job done?"
For the most part, I'm driven, and I hate to disappoint - not sure if that's a strength or weakness. Give me a deadline and I'll work until the wee hours of the morning to please. Could be that I also hate the confrontation of not living up to expectations (again, strength or weakness?). But there are days where I fall short of getting the ball rolling, I linger over social media or a good book instead of tackling tasks and working on possibilities.
I think this is normal, good even, to switch off. However, it can be dangerous and I've found myself in a pit of days where NOTHING gets done. How do I climb out? It usually starts with a pep talk, a good shake of the brains, and a switch back to a routine that works. The routine:
- Early mornings - the earlier you rise the less lazy your day tends to be. PLUS, more hours to get things done.
- A walk - this might dig into your work hours, but clearing brain fog and raising endorphins makes one hell of a difference to production.
- Set the days' goals, keeping them realistic - you'll feel more driven if you meet your challenges - with an attitude that tomorrow, I can do the same!
- Schedule time in your day TO BE LAZY - this way, you won't feel so guilty about it. You've met your challenges, you can loaf!
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