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RE: Parent-teacher relationships - The good, the bad and the ugly

in #education8 years ago

Since graduating I have worked at three schools. At my first school (public school) we had a strict policy of not giving out our or our colleagues numbers (We could get a disciplinary hearing if we did that). We had teacher-parent meetings at the beginning of each term so that the parents can know who their child's teacher is. If necessary we wrote letters in the children's' homework books or the secretary called them.

At my second school (private school) our numbers were freely given out by our fellow colleagues, secretary and principal. We were phoned any time of day or night. The parents were very fond off phoning and shouting and screaming of why there children didn't do there work like this or why they didn't get a sticker (I taught grade 1 at this school) or why I am learning them sounds and not sight words. This honestly was draining me off all the motivation I had for being a teacher. My husband was phoned at the most ridiculous times of the day so he can go see why "Peter" can't find his socks. He was the hostel superintendent. After three years this was one of the many reasons why we left this school.

At my current school the parents have access to our numbers. We are I think only six teachers who doesn't live on the premises . Out of the 360 learners only 40 learners are not in the hostel. The parents have strict channels they have to follow when wanting to contact us. We are free to report them if they phone outside the allocated time to contact the teachers. This allows us to have family time without being interrupted by parents. And this might just be one of the reasons why we will stay at this school for a few years.