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RE: Decent:ED | Hearts and Minds

in #education7 years ago

The young and the old seem to be using tablets and mobile phones alike.

It isn't in the usage, it is what they are using them for.

Are you saying that parents are at fault for not making it feasible to have the children homeschooled by AI's on their computers because they've given them too much screen time at an age too young?

I am saying that in the future, what people imagine as education now (even the 'cutting edge') could look fundamentally different than what people currently think. For starters, the AI is going to make many of the jobs school trains for redundant and if things go really well, there will get to a point where people do not need to educate for work, they educate for enjoyment. It is not a 2 years or 4 year project run by a government hoping to be elected again.