everyone is definitely want her to be successful people and proud parents. school first child is a family, family is where children get education basic and will be attached to till he adult later.
**educating children's not as easy as we are imagine, let alone kids today that influence the environment extraordinary, of course it be a challenge weight for parents.**
**the priest Baqir explain how should we as a parent introduce and educating children of prayer.**
>1. after children 5 years of age and understood the direction, then try ask where the parts of the right and left. ago teach him toward Mecca and begin to take her to prayer. >2. When the child goes to age seven, invite him to wash his face and his palms and ask him to pray. >3. procedures for ablution full be taught at the age of 9 years. liabilities to perform prayers and giving penalty if left it can be applied at this age. at the age of the child is usually clever understand will order, rules and rules of conduct.
**children's rights in the education are:** 1. Giving a good name and meaning 2. cut hair and married 3. teach Budi character good and provide education spiritual in children
teach Budi character good and provide education spiritual in children