mhhh It is just a fanzy word for having viewpoints that are contradicting, isn't it?
"the mental discomfort (psychological stress) experienced by a person who simultaneously holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values."from wiki
it implies that mental discomfort thing, but that is bs imo.
There can be contradictions that do not cause mental discomfort.
dissonance is a possible subset of contradiction, but not all possibilities.
How would that look in logic notification? ;)
F(x):= x is a cognitive dissonance ; G(x):= x is a contradiction
F(x)->G(x) ,
x(¬F(x) und G(x))
I would normally describe it directly with subsets, but I wanted to stay with the vocabulary of the post.
Danke für den Resteem! :D
Nah I would actually need to describe it with a quantor like i did to put it into context of the rest of the argument