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RE: Android programming made so easy even your grandma can do it pt. 4

in #education8 years ago

That's an awesome code environment! I saw one a few years back that used "puzzle pieces" like that, though it may have been App Inventor... My first son just turned 4, and in a couple more years, I plan to start his programming education with something just like this!

Fantastic tutorial series! Brings back fond memories of learning to code. I used BYOND to teach myself a version of C++ when I was 12, and have been building indie online rpgs for close to 20 years now 😉


Awesome, i am glad that you like it. I started with logo 18 years ago with my first pc :). The only "game" i was allowed to have

I was simply too poor to buy games 😃 I built my first computer from spare parts my friend had in his basement, and began writing the sort of games I wanted to play. I've always been a game designer though, even before I had a computer, as early as 6 years old, I used to make board games, trading card games, and even homebrew rulesets for games like Dungeons and Dragons for my brothers and I to play.

I've used a similar application with my daughter called Scratch ( you should check it out. I came across it while helping out at a Coder Dojo event in Ireland. Very intuitive and fun.