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RE: Weaning Children Away From Cellphones: A Small Suggestion 不要讓下一代變成低頭族

in #education7 years ago

I think it's futile to try and change the habits of young people. The correct approach to handle any health risks would be to make phones safer, not wean teenagers away from them.


Teenagers all over the west (many of them) have been convinced that smoking pipes and cigarettes (which used to be depicted as sophisticated / glamorous / sexy / cool etc.) is a stupid, uncool thing to do.

Now the "cool" thing is marijuana / designer drugs / same sex intercourse etc, but that will also change.

If the bought and paid for media will cooperate, many uses of cell phones can also be depicted as dumb: spending hours at a time chatting while your brain is next to a powerful microwave transmitter that messes up your DNA is NOT very smart.