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RE: Playboy To Exit Facebook: Another chance for Steemit to get more market share?

El Karma por lo que se ve existe, pues siempre eres responsables de tus acciones las cuales se regresarán a ti, y Facebook está pagando en este momento el ataque despiadado y mal intencionado que ha orquestado en contra de las criptomonedas, es cierto no va a desaparecer, pero puede perder una buena parte de su audiencia que espero la ganemos en Steemit.

Karma by what you see exists, because you are always responsible for your actions which will be returned to you, and Facebook is paying at this time the ruthless and ill-intentioned attack that has orchestrated against cryptocurrencies, it is true that it is not going to disappear, but you can lose a good part of your audience that I hope will win it in Steemit.


Good point and time to take up the opportunity