How to get PhD degree in Italy -- 意大利博士从申请到毕业的流程

in #education7 years ago (edited)

I would like to share my personal experience about how to get the PhD degree in Italy.


The figure shows the whole education system in Italy. It illustrates that one can obtain the PhD degree after 21 years if all goes well. Maybe you feel surprised after observing the duration of PhD in Italy is only three years. But the fact is that it costs almost 4 years for every PhD candidate, I will tell the reason in the following context.


(The figure is extracted from the website)

The timetable of selection PhD candidates is organized by the Italian ministry of education. One time open call in each year, the enrollment date in 1st day November. This main reason of the enrollment day is that the Italian master of science students normally get the Msc degree at the end of October. The Phd degree is established 30 years ago by ministry of education, so the new PhD student who will enroll in this year is the 33rd cycle. I am in the 30the cycle, my tutor was in the 5the cycle. My tutor is only 53 years old in this year, therefore there are old full professor in Italy who doesn't hold the Phd degree.


The admission procedure of PhD in Italy is similar to the others countries. The first step is to contact the potential supervisor to ask whether there is an open position can apply. After communication with potential supervisor, you can apply the PhD according to the rules of doctor school if the potential supervisor say no problem. I don't suggest directly apply without any communication with the expected tutor, I think it is useless in this way since the number of positions is really very limited. The first step is to upload your transcript of master and bachelor degree. You also need upload your English certification, includes IELTS and GRE. It also need two recommendation letters and your research plan. The the admission committee will evaluate each candidate based on their educational background then give a score. All the applicants whose score above the pass line can attend the interview. The interview normally lasts about 15 mins.

博士的申请流程,类似于大多数国家,你首先要先和你期望的导师联系,询问有没有招收新博士的计划。如果你联系的导师说可以一试, 接下来按照博士生学院网站上的流程,第一步是提交你的研究生,本科生时期的成绩单,英文考试认证,例如雅思,托福和GRE。 值得一提的是,意大利的博士生的奖学金80%由学校和教育部发放,剩下一部分留给公司赞助的奖学金和各国政府的奖学金学生,例如我们国家的公派博士生。极少数由导师自己的研究经费发放奖学金。至今我还没有见到过自费的博士生。提交的材料里还需要两封推荐信和你的研究计划。接下来各个学院会按照这个硬指标给每一位学生打分,达到及格线的申请人都将参加接下来的面试环节。面试大概十五分钟左右,没有技术性问题,主要是关于为什么读,怎么读,什么预期。(面试内容我没有翻译英语。。。)

After the interview, each applicant will has the final score that added by the first time score and interview score. The the final ranking list will show on the website, the final admission just by your position in the final ranking list.


Now let us talk about the money! Each PhD student will get about 1000 ~ 1500 EUR per month after tax. You also have the opportunity to earn money as teaching assistant. The income of TA based on its types, which are from 25 EUR per hour to 38 EUR per hour. Every PhD student has specific fund for attending international conference or academic activities in every year, it depends on different universities and departments. Such fund in our department is 1500 EUR per year. Moreover, your scholarship will increase 50% when you are abroad.


Each PhD candidate has to pass the evaluation in each year, based on your credits and publication. The PhD candidate has to get enough credits follow the rule of doctor school. The doctor school not only ask you to attend the techniques course based on your research topics, but also ask you to attend some 'soft' course like management, technology transfer, etc. If you fail the evaluation in each academic year, you will be fired immediately.


At the end of third year, you will be asked to start write your PhD thesis. It needs three reviewers in your academic field(two are foreign professor is mandatory) who never published paper with you and your supervisor in last 5 years to evaluate your final thesis. And you have to modify your thesis according to the reviewer comments. Your supervisor will select five potential reviewers then report to the doctor school, then doctor school select randomly three of them as your reviewers. After this step, it is the time of final debate, the rules of selecting committee members is similar to the procedure of selecting thesis reviewers. After the final debate, you will know you can get PhD degree or not. Such whole procedure will spend about 6 months, so each candidate will spend almost 4 years to get the PhD degree.


Concerning the quality of Italian PhD students, the average publication of each candidate in our department will have 2 journals and 5 conference papers when they obtain the PhD degree.


Please treasure your PhD(Permanent head Damage) friend.

谢谢阅读 , Thanks for your reading!

Please feel free to upvote, comment and follow me @victory622


Wow this is fascinating! I'm from the USA and I had no idea about this education system. Who knows what would have happened if I would have be brought up through this education system.

congratulation friend

Thanks, man.










好详细。读得我一把辛酸泪。PhD,Permanent head Damage……

如人饮水。。冷暖自知,哈哈。 你们德国严格一些,意大利读博其实还好。。。


他们是真的,我是伪学霸,天时地利人和。 不过读到这份上说自己是学渣,也没人信了。。。。

