2 days ago I received a whats app massage .The date was 8-10-2018 I had no idea their was a name for this day.
It is called a palindrome 8102018
if you read the numbers from the front its 8 1 0 2 0 1 8
if you read it from the end 8 1 0 2 0 1 8
Although this days date is unique and you will never see these number in the same sequence again.
Does it make any difference .
" There are a total of 38 palidrome dates in the 21st Century, in the month/day/year date format.
- October 2, 2001 (10022001)
- January 2, 2010 (01022010)
- January 10, 2011 (1102011) (First seven-digit palindrome date in the 21st century)
- November 2, 2011 (11022011)
- February 10, 2012 (2102012)
- March 10, 2013 (3102013)
- April 10, 2014 (4102014)
- May 10, 2015 (5102015)
- June 10, 2016 (6102016)
- July 10, 2017 (7102017)
- August 10, 2018 (8102018)
- September 10, 2019 (9102019)
- February 2, 2020 (02022020)
- January 20, 2021 (1202021)
- December 2, 2021 (12022021)
- February 20, 2022 (2202022)
- March 20, 2023 (3202023)
- April 20, 2024 (4202024)
- May 20, 2025 (5202025)
- June 20, 2026 (6202026)
- July 20, 2027 (7202027)
- August 20, 2028 (8202028)
- September 20, 2029 (9202029)
- March 2, 2030 (03022030)
- January 30, 2031 (1302031)
- March 30, 2033 (3302033)
- April 30, 2034 (4302034)
- May 30, 2035 (5302035)
- June 30, 2036 (6302036)
- July 30, 2037 (7302037)
- August 30, 2038 (8302038)
- September 30, 2039 (9302039) (Last seven-digit palindrome date in the 21st century)
- April 2, 2040 (04022040)
- May 2, 2050 (05022050)
- June 2, 2060 (06022060)
- July 2, 2070 (07022070)
- August 2, 2080 (08022080)
- September 2, 2090 (09022090)"
Imagine how we as people find things that amaze us .
Aha. Palindromes. Sounds interesting, thanks for the info.
hariculous long list in whats app