1. Openness to experience

Openness to experience (inventive/curious vs. consistent/cautious) is an appreciation for new idea, curiosity, and variety of experience. The people who has high openness to experience ususally has high curious to try new thing. In addition, individuals with high openness more creative when they getrered to the community in making new thing or program and also more likely to hold unconventional beliefs. In contrast, the people who has low openness are characterized as pragmatic and closed-minded.
For example :
• I have new idea
• I have create new thing for community
• I know that for long time ago
• I am interested in that new program
2. Conscientiousness
Conscientiousness (efficient/organized vs. easy-going/careless) is high self-discipline for achievement. The people those who have conscientiousness is always effecient and level of conscientiousness rises among young adults and then declines among older adults. Moreover, this people tendency keep every chance they found.
For example:
• I like for an extra-time in that schedule
• I always pay attention and make it detail
• I will prepare on it on time
3. Extraversion

Extraversion (outgoing/energetic vs. solitary/reserved are positive emotions, sociability and the tendency to seek attention in the company of others. High extraversion is often perceived attention from out door.
• extraverts are happier and extraverts more easily experience positive emotion and generally they interact with outside societies.
• Leader those who have extravert trait usually establish relationships faster and are easier to get along with the external people/societies.
• they get promoted faster
• It’s good to have one on your team and can be said that hey are born as leaders.
• They make more friends easier , and more social support in action with extern.
4. Agreeableness

Agreeableness (friendly/compassionate vs. challenging/detached). The people always tendency cooperative rather than suspicius towards others. Easy to adapt with follower not only with up ward but also with down ward position. The people those who have high agreeableness is often seen as submissive. More over, some researcher said agreeableness is social trait and it also positively predict as transformational leadership skill. In nut shell, agreeableness is positive for social harmony.
For instance:
• I make the follower feel satisfy
• I like their character
• I feel confortable around them so are they
5. Neuroticism

Neuroticism (sensitive/nervous vs. secure/confident) usually has negative side such as worry, frustation , jealousy, depressed mood, and lonely. They more likely response worse or pesimistic on every task (frustation). The leader who has Neurotism will bring negative effect toward followers because she or he cannot be a leader who always motivate and inspire follower in work. It define as self-conscious and may have trouble in controlling .
Mood disorder, anxiety disorder, and substance use disorder are negative effect of the people who have high neuroticism indexes.
Butler, J. C. (2000). "Personality and emotional correlates of right-wing authoritarianism". Social Behavior and Personality
Jang, K. L., Livesly, W. J., & Vemon, P. A.; Livesley; Vernon (September 1996). "Heritability of the big five personality dimensions and their facets: A twin study". Journal of Personality
Phares, E.J.; Chaplin, W.F. (1997). "Personality and Intellect". Introduction to personality (4th ed.). New York: Longman
Robert McCrae; Angelina R. Sutin (2009). "Chapter 17. Openness to Experience". In Mark R. Leary, & Rick H. Hoyle. Handbook of Individual Differences in Social Behavior. New York/London: The Guildford Press
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mandat pue mantap bg @saifannur-mzy
Tat payah tamita lagean pemimpin,bak tayoe awk kerja beko ken lee
bek kapeugah beko,,,saket ulei teuh,,peng tubiet nyan,,,hahha
Ye sit euh
Bg kibn re cara ta puduk foto bak tingeh wate ta peu ek status,pue g ta tamah ka tuwe kuh 😂
bereh that pue bacut sagai bang,,,hahha