I woke up around 2am today after brushing my teeth, I just started working on some of my upcoming projects which I will be sharing with the community once it is done. It’s very hard doing something out of the ordinary and it takes everything you have got to get it done but the end result is worth every minute spent. “COMPOUND INTEREST IS THE GREATEST MATHEMATICAL DISCOVERY OF ALL TIME, THOSE UNDERSTAND IT GAIN FROM IT AND THOSE WHO DON’T SUFFER FROM IT". I read this lovely statement on a forum I seem to have forgotten and it just stack in my heard. It’s really simple when you pay attention to it. In this life, anything you dedicate your time and energy to, you eventually overcome it. As I said earlier on about waking up at 2am, I started doing it 4 days ago. it is something I heard from Tony Robbins in one of his numerous inspirational videos and he calls it a “ritual”. He said it could be just 1hour everyday dedicated to doing something and as you compound 1 hour each day for a year which is 365hours and 3650 hours in 10years it would amount to something greater than what you started with. This he said is one of the few things successful people do and they get ahead in life and I believe him. The late Steve jobs of “apple Inc.” and Jeff Bezos of “amazon.com” started from their parents’ basements and several years later look at what they have accomplished. Its hard to start but will be a lot harder you don’t at all. Do something today , even if it is 10mins you’ve got,dedicate it to building some and I promise you as you learn and compound these efforts for 10years , you will be amazed at what you would have accomplished by then.
I hope you pay attention to this message if you are not already doing this and start as soon as possible. Everybody has got 24hrs and no one is that busy to start something on their own. Cut back on the television if you must and do this for tomorrow has more to offer those who sacrifice today.
Great piece
Thanks for reading it.