Duck, Duck, Goose

in #efed2 months ago

In the outskirts of Las Vegas, the Krimson Kharnival has set up for the next week or two. As dawn creeps through the small village that is the carnival, the cooking and the music send sounds and smells throughout the community. Better than any advertisement to reveal that the carnival has come to town.

People begin trickling in with their families, watching the horrible sights with shock and awe. They buy food that would gross out a member of the Addams family and play deadly games that involve mindless albino monsters known locally as wraiths.

The Twins, Hehehe, and Hahaha walk through the carnival. They meet and greet guests, scaring quite a few with their monstrous looks. When a crowd of people gather around them, they laugh and giggle as they begin to play games.

The group gathers into a seated circle while the clowns walked around the circle, patting each person on the head very politely.

Hehehe - Duck, duck, duck.

Hahaha - Duck, duck, duck.

They continue in this fashion, going around the group several times before they stop behind a middle-aged father of two. The clowns look at each other in a nasty way as they giggle and Hehehe seizes the man by the head and chin.

Hehehe and Hahaha - GOOSE!

Hehehe does quick twist and snaps the man’s neck before the pair run around the group as if they were being chased by the dead man. They stop back at the dead man lying on the ground and kick him.

Hehehe - Hey! You didn’t-

Hahaha - Chase us!

The middle-aged father stares up lifelessly as Hehehe and Hahaha berate him for being lazy. The group breaks up, going their separate ways except the two children.A little boy and an even smaller girl. The small boy walks up to the ghastly clowns.

Small boy - Hi. My name is Ryan and my sister is Tonya. Our father is dead,because you killed him.

Tonya - What will we do? Where will we go? How will we live?

Hehehe - Oh, something marvelous-
Hahaha - Something great!

Hehehe - You will grow and -

Hahaha - Become something great!

Ryan looks annoyed, but seems to buy into this. He rubs his belly. An action that Tonya mimics.

Ryan - We’re soo hungry.

Hehehe and Hahaha each takes one child under their arm and begin walking toward concessions.

Hehehe - We have so many delights-

Hahaha - That will fill your belly!

The twins take the children and buy them food enough to eat and shows them the sights for the rest of the night. The children delighted in seeing the different freaks of nature, especially Beetle. The hive mind colony of flesh devouring beetles that control a body until it dies.

At the end of the day after the show in the big tent, the children stand with the twins amongst the tents of the freaks,who are settling down for the night.

Ryan - Why are we here?

Tonya - Where are we going to go?

Hehehe - This is where-

Hahaha - You join us.

Hehehe and Hahaha - Forever.

Ryan begins clutching at the sides of his head as he begins growing at a ramagant pace. His hair grows longer and his sin splits open as he cries out in pain. Tonya screams before she starts throwing up.

As fast as Ryan’s skin splits apart, it regenerates. Each time it regrows, it looks a bit greener and warty.This continues untilhe’s twelve feet tall and resembles a troll. Tonya continues to vomit until she falls face first into it. Her back explodes and a glowing spirit crawls out. Hehehe and Hahaha flap excitedly.

Hehehe - A troll and -
Hahaha - A ghost!

Hehehe - You’re going to scare -

Hahaha - So many people.

Ryan growls as a carnival worker comes to take him by the hand to lead him to a new tent that has spouted, tall and savage looking. Another worker walks alongside Tonya to lead her to another tent that has sprouted whole from the ground, wispy and pale. The twins walk away while the new freaks get settled into their tents.

Ringmistress Isaura Dumitrescu finds the twins and walks up to them.

Isaura Dumitrescu - I’m glad I found you two. You have a match coming up at Vanguard: High Stakes.

Hehehe and Hahaha look at one another with some confusion before turning back to the Ringmistress.

Hehehe - We’re not really wrestlers.

Hahaha - We have contracts, but we don’t normally get into the ring.

Isaura Dumitrescu - Well, Armand has decided that you two should go into the ring and make someone look good or smash them. He didn’t really tell me the point of the match before he left.

Hehehe - So should we -

Hahaha - Try to win?

Isaura Dumitrescu - Of course you should try to win. You can only make them look good if they have to try hard to defeat you.

Hehehe - Who do we -

Hahaha - Have to beat?

Isaura Dumitrescu - Vespertine and Karlie Nash.They call themselves eNVy.

Hehehe - So should we -

Hahaha - Cut a promo?

Isaura Dumitrescu - That would be a great idea. Meet me in the big tent in five and we can do this right.

About thirty minutes later, Hehehe and Hahaha stand in the middle of the big tent with the Ringmistress standing across from them while operating a smart phone. She turns on FaceTwatter Live and signals for the twins to start.

Hehehe - So, we have a match coming up.

Hahaha - We get to tear someone up!

Hehehe - Vespertine. We have -

Hahaha - Heard about you.

Hehehe - You worship -

Hahaha - The Dark Buddha.

Hehehe - Do you think that -

Hahaha - You can take our souls?

Hehehe - We haven’t had souls.

Hahaha - Not for a long time.

Hehehe - We work for Armand -

Hahaha - And we seek the man who cursed us.

Hehehe - So that the day will come -

Hahaha - That we can die and rest at last.

Hehehe - And Karlie Nash. You run a church?

Hahaha - That is a funny thing.

Hehehe - Don’t you know -

Hahaha - There is no God?

Isaura Dumitrescu - I think that you mean that there are many gods?

Hehehe - I suppose. I really depends -

Hahaha - On your definition of god.

Hehehe - You would think that you -

Hahaha - Wouldn’t get along with a Buddhist.

Hehehe - But to each their own.

Hahaha - Yeah, we don’t judge.

Hehehe - We kick people’s butts.

Hahaha - We defeat people.

Isaura Dumitrescu - Are you expecting this to be a one sided match?

Hehehe and Hahaha look at each other for a moment and then back to her.

Hehehe - They have won their last match.

Hahaha - We expect them to fight hard.

Hehehe - They won’t win though.

Hahaha - Not against us.

Hehehe - We are the Undying Twins!

Hahaha - I think Donzig called us that.

Hehehe - Have we said that he was mean?

Hahaha - He really was.

Isaura Dumitrescu - I think we’re going to cut it here. Get some rest, we’re going to some training in the morning.

Hehehe - Training?

Hahaha - What’s that?

Isaura Dumitrescu - Getting ready for your match with eNVy.

Hehehe - Oooooooh!

Hahaha - Good idea.

And the scene fades to black.